forum Something Waits in the Woods // OxO or Small Group // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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((That makes sense! My first thought was the letters were screened and never sent if they had stuff about the situation in them, but then realized it would be more suspicious to parents))


(Unless they simply changed the letters m, forging students writing. Or they sent like generic letters that just give them academic updates)


(the generic letters is probably good. Maybe, like, the parents can write but the kids aren't allowed to answer because it would "distract them" and the parents know that's why they aren't getting anything beyond academic stuff?)


(gonna assume no questions haha)

Class was over for the day, and students were milling around or going off to do their own thing. Greenwood had multiple buildings; some were dorms and some were administration buildings. Some were older, some newer. The oldest was the Karonus Building, which had been there since before the school was established. The Karonus building was one of the smaller ones on campus, and was currently in use as a dorm. The floors were slanted and the walls aging, the floorboards creaked underfoot. The newest building was Merryweather, an administrative building where many of the mathematical classes were now being held. The English building was called Orsum, and was an older, brick building, vines creeping up the sides. The Inventing building was about the same age, perhaps a bit older, and had been named Tavus, after a famed inventor who had attended the school in its early days.

Bellamy Remington was currently exiting Orsum, having finished his final class of the day, and on his way over to Tavus. He had reserved one of the single rooms to work in. Currently, the young man was dressed in a cream toned shirt, with a dove grey vest over it, and dark grey slacks. A leather knapsack was slung from one shoulder, and exhaustion ringed his eyes. The other students, both those coming to Tavus and those leaving it, gave him a wide berth and wary glances. He was a pariah now. No one knew what to make of him. The survivor. The one who came back, when the others were still gone. Still missing. And he didn't remember a thing. So he said, anyway. The more cynical students whispered that he knew what had happened. That he was involved somehow.

He slipped inside and gathered his supplies, before going into the reserved room and getting set up. He wanted to build, to lose himself in gears and oil and ticking machines that followed patterns and knew what they were doing. He didn't want to be himself anymore. His hands shook, slim fingers clenching for a moment before he flattened his hands against the tabletop and taking a deep, slightly shaky breath. Plucking up a gear from the table, he pinched it between his fingers, examining the teeth of it, then setting it down again. It took him a while to organize his supplies, both tools and gear, and then he got to work, working by an aether light rather than a candle, natural light also coming in through a window set in one wall of the room. Bel's focus zeroed in on the task at hand, though every now and again his hands shook and quivered and he didn't even know why. Every now and again, he had to stop and breathe because fear would clench his heart, and the worst part was that he didn't know why he was afraid. Nothing was going to hurt him here, right?


Madeline adjusted the strap of her leather messenger bag, scooping her books and journals into her arms, pages sticking out of the sides at odd angles. She rested the stack against her hip, carrying it in one arm as she walked, much like a small toddler. A black fountain pen twirled between her long, pale fingers on the other hand, giving her something to do while she let her mind absorb itself in thought, letting muscle memory guide her to the library, and the spot in the back corner, by the shelves of classical literature she had unofficially claimed as "her" spot for study and occasionally leisure reading.


( CW , would you mind if Yanna and Maddie were already friends? Yanna is gonna leave a note for Maddie there in the library to tell her that she is going to confront Bellamy.)



Once Maddie made it to her hideaway, she would see a note sticking out from in between two books: Seeing the Flame and Hidden Reflection. Its where Yannaleis always left notes for her comrade there, not wanting to disturb her but also wanting to deliver news to her. Silent and efficient.

The contents of the note would make her aware that despite her best efforts, Yanna was going to talk to the boy. Bellamy Remington. The miracle boy. The only one to return among all the students that went missing… Jessica Abernathy, Maxwell Montgomery, Fergus Smith, Caroline Harris….and Cassandra, her very own sister. Gone without a single trace. For months their names were whispered tragedies in the halls. And all of a suddenly, Bellamy returns. Shivering, terrified, and useless. He offered nothing to the authorities and claimed he hadn't a single recollection of what happened.

How was that possible? He'd been missing for months, and so many students along with him, but he couldn't offer anything? Not a location, not a name, not a minute memory? Nothing. Or at least that's what he told everyone. Yannaleis, for one, didnt believe him. It simply wasn't possible. Had it been Cassandra who'd returned, she would've saw to it that a picture could be drawn with absolute accuracy with the details she would regale.

If only it had been Cassandra…

Yannaleis narrowed her eyes as she stormed down the cobblestone walkway, towards the Tavus building. A place she spent a lot of her time, tinkering and excersing her ingenuity. Although, recently, she spent her time in the library or at the edge of the school grounds, despite the warnings she'd recieved. School stories, regional mythos, any marks from beasts or enemies unknown. It consumed her every moment, the need to find those kids. To find her sister. To find the thing that was snatching them away one by one.

She knew he was the answer. He had to be.

Dressed in a sharp, charcoal black vest and skirt, the sleeves of her white blouse rolled up to her elbows, Yannaleis took a moment to collect herself before she entered workroom. Yanna had come to find that Bellamy spent a lot of his time in this very room, even before he was abducted. She'd never really paid attention to him, but she'd gathered that he was a rather studious boy. And since he returned, he was a ghost that floated about the same circuit. She knew this because she watched him. A low blow.. becoming a stalker, but she hardly cared.

Even now, it was quite obvious that there were…. pressing matters on Yannaleis' mind. Her clothes were wrinkled like they'd been slept in. Her hair was messy, strands falling around her face like spider webs. And the night before, she'd cracked one of her monicule lenses and hasn't bothered to repair it. If Bellamy was a ghost, she was a mad woman. But what scared her most was that she was alright with that.

If it means I find Cassandra….

With a less then steadying breath, Yannaleis knocked on the door gently.If he didnt answer, she would see herself in. But one way or another, she would speak to the boy. She just hoped Maddie would join her soon. Despite the facade of confidence in her discrumpled state, she wasn't sure she could do this alone.

"Bellamy?" She called. "Bellamy Remington? I'd like to speak with you."


Bel whirled, nearly dropping the gears in his hands. He set them on the table beside a half-built creation, raising his eyebrows faintly as he studied her. He knew who she was; her sister was one of the other vanished. Sometimes he wasn't sure he had really come back. Maybe this was a dream and he was still…he was still…wherever he had been. He adjusted the sleeves of his shirt, coughing faintly. Grease stained his fingertips, and was smeared on his face where he'd rubbed his cheek.

"Oh. Come in." he said slowly, still studying her carefully. She didn't look…well. Then again, neither did he, so it was unfair to judge her. Or at least, he supposed it was. He cleared his throat, busying himself with straightening up the supplies on the table. What did she want with him? He hoped it wasn't information about…what had happened. His hands shook again and he pressed them flat against the table, taking a breath and gathering himself. "What do you want?" his hair was falling into his face, russet strands brushing across his forehead.

He hoped he wasn't being rude. Sometimes it felt like he'd forgotten how to interact with humans. Other people. Normal people. His mouth twitched in what seemed like an attempted smile, but it just looked…wrong. Inhuman, somehow. Like the smile wasn't a normal human instinct, but instead the calculated attempt of a fumbling machine. He quickly dropped it, looking away and coughing into his fist, before his eyes darted back to her, narrowed and concerned as to what she wanted from him. Bel knew she must be upset that he had come back. If she'd lost a sister to…to…to whatever had taken him, then…anyone would be upset. His eyebrows furrowed faintly. He still couldn't remember what had happened. Couldn't even remember the nightmares; they vanished as soon as he awoke, leaving only fear and terror in their place.


Madeline quickly checked the two books Yannaleis often left notes between-checking had become a habit by now. Her eyes quickly scanned the sheet, which she hurriedly shoved among her other papers. "Madwoman." She muttered under her breath, going to follow her to where she said she was headed, shaking her head. "Absolute madwoman." She might as well be present for whatever confrontation was about to happen-at least to ensure her friend didn't scare the poor boy more.


Yannaleis stayed in the doorway for a moment, her golden brown eyes practically in the shadow she stood in. Her eyes were intent and focus as they ran along the length of the boy before her. His hair, unruly as it was, was the shade of brown that nature was made out of. His skim was pale, like a bed sheet, and his eyes….The grey of a gravestone, the dark rings around them only intensifying that gaze…He was tall and thin. A timid looking, shadow of a handsome boy. If times were different, Yanna would've enjoyed seeing him smile, seeing the freckles brighten to life on his cheeks. Instead, she did her best to keep her face calm. She wanted to scowl; furrow her brows and clench her jaw. But she figured that Bellamy had received enough of that. She could be peaceable.

A moment passed in thick, uncomfortable silence. It took that moment for Yanna to realize that she probably didn't appear as peaceable as she intended to. Sleep had been far from her the last few nights and it showed on her person. With a hot wave of embarrassment, Yannaleis gave a small cough and looked away. "My apologizes for interrupting you. I could imagine that you wish to be alone. But I….." She what? She wanted to interrogate him like all the rest have? She wanted to make him remember things that his mind perhaps simply couldn't? She wanted to accuse him of hiding the truth? Well…..yes, but standing before him, all her ire suddenly vanished and she no longer thought that to be the correct way to go about this.

"I have a sister." She stated suddenly. "Her name is Cassandra– I'm sure you know this." There were very few who didn't know of Cassandra. Where Yannaleis was more intellectually oriented, Cassandra was warmer…. she loved making friends and always had a natural talent for the more social aspects of life. Yanna had always loved that about her sister….but the feeling sat sourly in the pit of her stomach. "She was taken. Only three weeks after you." Her hands clenched at her sides as she blinked through the burning sensation in her eyes. Yannaleis refused to cry. She needed answers and she wasn't going to get them in a puddle of tears.

"I just want to know what happened." She breathed. "Whatever you can tell me, I'll take it."


"I remember her." he said quietly. "From before." it was the first thing he could think of to say, the first thing that would show he had heard. He understood. He fidgeted for a moment, eyes watching her for a long, silent second. "I'm…I don't remember." he looked down at the table, at the gears and tools that lay on it. "It…I…" he shook his head, eyebrows gathering towards each other. "I don't remember anything." sometimes he thought he remembered flashes, but he could never be sure. Not without someone else to back up what he thought he remembered, because it could always be his imagination. The bare scraps he remembered of his nightmares couldn't be trusted either; it was the subconscious, after all, and who knows if those were true to what had happened. So he had nothing. Nothing to say and no idea what had happened to him. "I'm sorry about your sister." he added the words after a quiet moment, gaze flickering back up to Yannaleis, then back down to his hands.


Madeline used her free hand to hike up her skirt a little, allowing her to move up the stairs quicker, pointedly ignoring the stage whispers of two particularly irritating and nosey boys who caught a glimpse of ankle how scandalous! She made her way down the hall of private rooms, looking around for any sign of her friend or Bellamy- she, admittedly, was not as familiar with this building, favoring other areas of study. She finally spotted the pair at the doorway of one room, letting out a slight breath. Madeline straightened herself, fixing a polite smile on her face as she approached, trying to act natural.