forum Saving Kingdoms, Closed
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Sirus stayed out of her way at first, before adjusting his rhythm to hers. Taking out warriors left and right, killing and badly injuring most of them in the process.


Someone snuck up on Anna, who almost got her head cut off before Jack opened a portal underneath the man. Anna nodded thankfully st him before going back to stabbing people.

Deleted user

Suddenly Skye lept into the battle, seeming to be in several places at once, warping throughout the area, taking out men left and right.

Deleted user

Skye and Sirus suddenly crossed paths, each one slapping hands, a red and black streak appearing in Skye's hair, and a Skye colored streak in Sirus'.


Anna jumped when suddenly, there was a knife blade in her shoulder, right next to her neck. For a second, she didn’t feel anything, and looked at the knife in surprise, but then the person stabbing her pulled the knife out and she screamed in pain. Anna fell to her knees, putting a hand to her shoulder and watched as it came away covered in red.
Jack was somewhat busy, as he had gotten ambushed by three different guys at once, who annoyingly kept moving. He heard Anna yell, and quickly opened a portal underneath himself, dropping next to her.
“He got my damn shoulder.” Anna said through gritted teeth.
Jack wasn’t even sure where it was safe to put her, but then she noticed Reed in combat with someone much, much larger than him.
She stood up, seemingly too full of adrenaline to notice that she was bleeding… a lot.
She ran over to Reed, joining him in combat.

Deleted user

Skye saw Anna's wound, and mentally called for a healer. Warping away to another part of the valley he soon had Blaze back with him.
Blaze was a she-devil on the rampage. Rushing over she joined Reed and Anna.

Deleted user

Blaze immediately went to her side, carefully laying a hand on the wound, "Solaris" a warm glow came over it, causing it to begin to heal.


Anna laughed a bit. “You won’t get too far with that. Magic like that doesn’t work on me. Never has, doubt it ever will.” Anna had figured out that because of her a shifting, most magic didn’t work on her, especially the good kind.


Anna cursed as she watched Blaze fall, before looking at Reed’s startled face. Then she realized it wasn’t him being startled….. it was him remembering a very similar situation, where someone else had been bleeding out. Anna wasn’t totally sure what to say, but then noticed Jack was in trouble, being snuck up on. She cursed again, before saying to Reed, “Snap out of it, and watch her. Make sure no one gets to you guys.” With that, she took off to go help Jack, calling his name as the man got ready to embed an axe in his back. Jack jumped out of the way at the last minute.

Deleted user

Blaze gritted her teeth, You two will be the death of me!
Don't blame me!
he caught me of guard Ok?!
shut it she thought back at them, getting shakily to her feet,
Arthur go help him will you?


“You shouldn’t be standing…” Reed trued. Meanwhile, Jack and Anna were caught in the middle of a fight with another rather large opponent. Anna didn’t quite notice when the ax sliced her pant leg open, nor did she notice when she got scratched by said axe. It wasn’t as bad as the shoulder wound, and she kept fighting.

Deleted user

"The pain isn't my own" said Blaze, her voice tense. "It's my brother's"


Reed frowned. “I…. Alright….” he said, before asking sheepishly, “Do you mind if I go help Anna and Jack?”


Reed rushed over to help, sneaking behind their opponent and stabbing him in the back.
“You Alright?” He asked, as Anna and Jack stepped back, gasping.
They both nodded, before going to help others.


“Thanks.” They all said, gasping. Anna began to round up her group of people, making sure everyone was accounted for. Sadly, three of her people were gone, and several were injured, including her right hand man, Anthony.
“Anna…. you’re bleeding out….” Jack said, noticing that his sister was covered in blood.

Deleted user

Silver loped into the clearing. shifting he looked around, spotting Anna he came up to her. "You. Healer's den. NOW." he said, pointing to the spot, his tone firm, commanding.


“My men go first, then I’ll get myself taken care of. You guys have a needle and some thread, by chance?” Anna said, realizing that the cut on her leg was going to need stitches.

Deleted user

"My brother can take care of them later" said Silver, "You're coming before you bleed out and die." said Silver flatly. "They'll be cared for, I promise. But the worst comes first"

Deleted user

Silver nodded, following briskly.
"Is the fight on the edge of the valley played out?" asked Sirus.
"No" answered Silver, "But hopefully there won't be any more that make it to the heart"

Deleted user

Silver raised an eyebrow, ushering her inside. "Shirt, off. now" he ordered, grabbing bandages from a carved cubby in the back.