forum Saving Kingdoms, Closed
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

"Alex would literally kill me if I actually hurt his best mate" said Skye sheepishly, "But you also don't keep a wolf away from his food."

Deleted user

"It just looks like murder, minus blood, and any sort of injury." said Skye.

Deleted user

Skye shifted, stopping in front of him. "Too bad we have to take the long way back…"


Reed frowned. Then he jumped when a portal opened next to him. “There you are!” Jack said from the other side of it.

Deleted user

Skye raised an eyebrow when Jack's portal vanished. "Is there something between you two?" he asked teasingly.

Deleted user

"That doesn't seem like the right answer" laughed Skye, brushing him teasingly with his tail.


Reed rolled his eyes. “I got his brother killed. The relationship was kind of ruined after that.” He said impulsively.

Deleted user

Skye set off as soon as he was settled, taking the long way back so that they wouldn't be leaving any gaps for enemies.

Deleted user

About half an hour later they were back in the main clearing, and Skye had stopped to let Reed dismount as he mentally searched for the location of food.

Deleted user

Skye watched them with a smirk, before shifting and heading over to the main firepit, where there were some cold breakfast sandwhiches.

Deleted user

"Hey is there a pyro mutt around here?" yelled Skye, "I'd like my breakfast charred!"