forum Rykah and Will(because I can't think of a better title)
Started by @Hawkeye

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“I used to come here with my older brother.” Will said, then added, “And I figured we could try on clothes. But hang on, I have to go talk to somebody real quick.”
He walked up to a sales clerk he knew and said, “Listen. My friend has wings, and needs some clothes. He doesn’t want me to help him, so can you use magic to make them fit him?” The sales clerk nodded, and Will walked back to Rykah. “Let’s try on clothes!”

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Rykah followed Will uncertaintly, "you do remember that most people don't have wings right?" he asked, "Or a tail?"

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Rykah shrugged and followed, him though the maze of clothes racks. "So what should we try on?" he asked knowing something was up.

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rykah ducked but slipped and fell under a rack of hoodies as he did so. "Right!" he laughed as he got up. "So maybe we should start with these?" he pulled out a tye dye one with violet blue and silver on it.

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Rykah hooked it on his arm and pulled out another one that had blue yellow and gray on it, "I think this one will look cool on you!" he said happily

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"Yeah" said Rykah as he headed to the change rooms to try his on.

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Rykah quickly slipped his own hoodie and t shirt over his wings and brushed some of the dirt off of his nearly bone thin torso he then slipped the new hoodie on surprised to find slits in the back for his wings and even slits in the top of the hood for his ears!


Will heard a sound of surprise in next changing room, and wasn’t even sure Rykah knew he done it. He smiled to himself, and tried his own hoodie on. He stepped out of the stall and waited for Rykah.

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Rykah came out wearing the new hoodie which fit him perfectly. "I would keep it but I dont have cash" said Rykah turning around to take it off.

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"You cant possibly have that much on you!!" Said Rykah in surprise.

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"Uh yeah…" said Rykah not buying it. :"theres no way you have that much"


Will took the hoodie and checked the price tag. “It fifty dollars.” He took the correct amount of money out of his wallet, and showed it to Rykah. “I have enough, I promise. Do you want something else?” He asked, hoping he didn’t sound stuck up.

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"No this-this is more than i could ever ask for…" said Rykh who was now extremely embarrassed.


Will wasn’t sure how to make his friend understand that Will didn’t need the money. “Rykah, I promise, this is not a big deal.” He said, putting a hand hesitantly on Rykah’s shoulder.

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"Yeah but it's so much!" Said Rykah following him to the counter.


“Rykah, I’ll lose the money eventually anyway, there isn’t much point in me keeping it. Or even me spending it on some useless thing I see in a store window.” Will responded, as he payed the clerk for the hoodies.


(Also, I was thinking at the party, things go terribly wrong in some way or another. Maybe one of them gets hurt. But if you don’t want to do that, it’s fine.)

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(That sounds awesome!!!! Do it!!! I am soo evil it ain't even funny and Idec….