forum Rykah and Will(because I can't think of a better title)
Started by @Hawkeye

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“Will?” Will immediately recognized the voice as that of his sister.
“I’m fine, Anna.”
Jack appeared behind Anna, and immediately put one hand on Will’s arm, and put the other to use my shoving Rykah away. “Hey!” Will protested.

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(Morning to you to!)
Rykah fell over in a heap, "It's ok Will…" he said softly picking himself up and backing away..


Will lifted himself up. He ignored the dizziness and reached out a hand to Rykah. “It’s not.” He said, and then turned to Jack. “You and I are having a talk later.” He pulled Rykah into a hug.

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Rykah wrapped his wings around his freind and pulled away after a few moments, not wanting to get Jack mad.


Jack and Anna both gaped at Will; Anna partially smiling, Jack looking surprised. Will squeezed Rykah’s shoulder, smiled, and then said, “I’m going to go home. Feel free to stop by anytime, okay?”

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"Yeah" said Rykah pulling away and getting to his feet, "You do that"


“What was that?! I appreciate the protection, but the first friend I have since the…. incident, and you chase him off!” And as both of his siblings called his name, he stormed up the stairs and to his room.

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Rykah sighed as he sunk into his sleeping bag in the woods. I hope Will is okay… he thought before drifting off under the stars.

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(Sounds about right! i mean they did just go to a party! :D)


Will woke up, face down in his bed. He realized that it wasn’t even light outside. He looked at his window and eyed the lock. He climbed out and onto the roof. He had seen Jack do this several times, Anna joining him once or twice. He climbed down and touched the ground.

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Rykah stood quietly in a tree, watching as a hare made it's way through. I should probably eat something he thought to himself as he drew his bow. he aimed and released, dropping down to fetch the arrow, But I don't like killing…. and Hare's taste horrible! he thought wryly as he wandered back to his shelter attempting to ignore the fact that he was actually very hungry.


Will stopped at a donut shop, getting a dozen. He retraced his steps from earlier and finally ended up right near where Rykah lived. He hesitated before stepping through towards where he had seen the other boy go.

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Rykah stashed his bow in a hiding spot under the car seat that held down the tarp wall of his home. then he went over to the old tote bin and pulled out his sketch pad once more, and an old pencil from his pocket. Then he began sketching his old tigress friend.

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Rykah froze when he heard a voice outside. That sounded like Will! He quickly got up, leaving his sketchpad on the car seat. "Will?" he asked coming out from under the tarp. "What are you doing here?" he asked when he saw him.

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"Yeah but why here??" asked Rykah in confusion, "And how in the world did you managed to find this place?? I mean if you aren't careful you could get hurt or lost…."

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"seriously??" asked Rykah, surprised. "But why did you leave??"


“I had an argument with my family last night.” After the argument, Jack had come up to his room and said, “Either you lose the freak or you lose me.” Will had responded angrily with, “I choose Rykah.” Jack had ignored him since. But he wasn’t going to tell Rykah that.

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Rykah looked concerned, "Well you're welcome to hang out here I guess…." he said gesturing to his makeshift tent…


Will smiled for a second, then realized what he had done. He had run away. His family would wake up any minute and find him gone. What would they do? His breathing quickened and he went into a state of panic. Oh god. Panic attack.