forum RP with brave_soldier
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group


Isaac glances around his dorm room, wary that his roommate will make an appearance. How long has he been putting on his charade? No one knows. Not even he does; it's been far too long. After checking that the place is secure, he lets his human disguise down, gray horns appearing from his head. He spills sulfur on the ground and ignites it with a small flame. In the circle appears another demon. It is like that of a two-way mirror. The demon is demanding something from him. Issac's only response is:

"No, I'm not going to kill my roommate," He sighs in annoyance.

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Haze, a transfer student, was walking back to his dorm, unaware of the events going on his his shared room. The boy was to busy worrying about his rehearsal for school

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Alarm flashes across Isaac's face as he sees Haze walk back into the room. He gives a quick wave of his hand towards his boss and breaks the sulfur link. He tries his best to quickly reinitiate his human disguise with his new mission in mind.

"Back so soon?" His voice has a tinge of nervousness to it. He wasn't expecting Haze to return as quickly as he did

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“ band canceled “ he mumbled, setting his violin down

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“ not sure, thought bout hanging out with you,” he said and smiled

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

"Really? We haven't talked very much since I was assigned this room," he's flexing his fingers and as he does, something near him gravitates a bit. "But, maybe I can— get to understand you before my trip." The object drops to the ground.

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“ your trip?” he asked, looking over at Isaac “ where are you going?”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac looks at Haze, his gold eyes staring through him with malicious intent, “Well, maybe you should also get to understand me.” He sits up and swings his legs over the side of his bed. “I was ordered to kill you—but you intrigue me. You’re the first human who has. I think I will take you along on my mission. The journey will be difficult, and my boss is very impatient.”

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“ your boss, referring to me as human?? What's going on!”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac lets out a devious laugh, "You ask that now? Haze dear, I am far from your kind. Did you ever notice the sulfur or how I disappear from time to time? Strange things happening all around? Your roommate is a demon, and my boss is the devil. That's what's been going on." The human disguise falls, and gray horns appear on Isaac's head nestled in his dark brown hair. His smile is now lined with fangs, his ears are pointed, and black wings sprout from his back.

"Don't be afraid. I won't eat you," Isaac giggles. "That's an old myth. You have saved yourself from being killed by capturing my attention— the way you're dedicated to rehearsals is… interesting to say the least."

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Haze just stared for a moment “ can I touch them, “ he asked almost silently

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac glares at Haze, "Touch what?". His voice came in a small growl. He's very protective of himself and rarely does anyone pass his guard. His wings flutter between tucked and slightly spread as if he is flexing them. He's not, it's his nerves. He's honestly perplexed by Haze's reaction, it's not the usual human reaction.

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“ your horns. I promise I won't hurt you, just wanna feel them.”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac looks at Haze for a long time. He then closes his eyes and purses his lips in slight agitation. This has never happened to him before. This human is strange he thinks. He reopens his eyes, "Alright, you may. I'm warning you, be careful. I'm not afraid to hurt a human who hurts me". Isaac lowers his head to indicate that Haze has permission to touch his horns. Although, he still has his eyes on Haze.

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Haze touched them easily “ huh, it's different than what I thought.. I mean.. The Greeks always said they were the same of goats but their not. It's like coals..” he drew his hand back “ sorry, clearly this is something new, but I'm practically obsessed with mythology and yet here you are. Straight out the pages..” he was utterly stunned

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac lifts his head up and turns away. "Most are scared of me, but you're peculiar. You're not afraid… and that's strange," he huffs. "I think it's about time I get ready for my trip. You've seen too much, so now you have two choices. Come with me or die."

Isaac stands up and pushes past Haze, the primaries feathers of his black wings nearly touching the ground. He takes his satchel off of the post of his bed. He grabs the sulfur at the foot of his bed off the floor and shoves it into the bag. "Straight out of the pages," he mumbles. Isaac grits his teeth and mutters a curse in Latin. He stops packing his satchel, standing in the middle of the dorm, looking at Haze. "Coals?"

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“ yeah, like fire coals,” he said. Already the boy was packing essentials and a small book and pencil

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac smiles at Haze, "You have decided to come along, huh?". Isaac chuckles and swings the satchel over his head and fits it over a wing so now it's across his body. "You abandon your duties just like that? Humans are an interesting specimen. Now I must ask, what questions are plaguing your mind? You must have many questions about my operation and me myself. It is important to get those out of the way, so you don't bother me later." Isaac buttons up the buttons to his trench coat while waiting for Haze to answer.