forum Roleplay with someone (1/1)
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Dove summoned magic from her hands and formed it into a bow and arrow. It glowed blue as she gripped it. She didn’t want to fight, but from what Azrael said, Cefora probably couldn’t be reasoned with. She tried to slowly back away to get a better position.
Crow found some stray pixelated boulders and focused on them. They lifted into the air, awaiting her command. She wasn’t much of a fighter either, but this Cefora person seemed dangerous. She had to protect Dove.

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"Put down ya weapons, lassies," Cefora said.
"What does thou want?" Azrael asked.
"Nothing much."

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"I want to get to know you better, thats all!"


Nobody said anything. Crow looked to Azrael and Allison, a question on her face and searching for an answer. Dove seemed to have been struck dumb, simply staring at Cefora.

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"Come on, someone needs to speak! I'll pick on someone if someone does answer soon!" Cefora said. Azrael and Allison were also dumbfounded

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"And then I'll tear out their internal organs and show them to said person and eat them while they're still attached, and then move on to their eyeballs!"


Crow made a face. Dove frowned and muttered, “Wow, it’s either all chill or zero chill, am I right?”
Crow sighed. “Please don’t do that. I’m not having the best day.”


“Why?” Dove asked.
“Why indeed,” Crow murmured.
They both wondered if Cefora could even be beaten with physical force. Perhaps, but then again, Allison only told them how he beats others, not how he could be beaten. Best to avoid his questions for now.

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"Im curious, that answer your questions?" Cefora said, wanting so desperately to get to know them, but not showing it at all, rather remaining calm, cold, and collected.


“Oh no it’s fine,” Crow said quickly. She glanced again at Allison and Azrael. “Um, I like classical music, I guess. What do you like?”
It was lie. She hated it. Piano was fine, and maybe violin, but that’s it. Dove tried not to smile as Crow finished the sentence.

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"Okay, what else?" Cefora said as he stood up menacingly.

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I dunno how, they mouthed back.
"You know what I mean," Cefora said.