forum Roleplay with someone (1/1)
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"We'll be back after this messages," God said on TV. "What's your questions?" Azrael asked.

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"Horsewoman of Armageddon," Azrael said referring to herself, "along with my wife, War. Allison's part Angel, and my bro's the Grim Reaper. That make sense?"


Crow suddenly felt extremely intimidated. “Yeah, yeah ok.”
Dove jerked her head up, her eyes wide. “What! That is so cool! Who knew we going to meet the Grim Reaper, a horsewoman of the apocalypse, and a half angel?” she moved her legs up and down in excitement.

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"Its mostly just paperwork, except for Allison's part," Azrael explained.

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They watched and founded out who won. It was Alessandra. Afterwards, they talking in the kitchen and bar area.


“How long has Hell been doing stuff like this?” Crow asked. She folded her hands and leaned over the kitchen counter, an incredulous expression on her face.

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"It's bullshit that Alessandra won! she basically gave everyone a BJ until they died!" Grimm said. "Yeah, it kinda was," Allison agreed.

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(party crasher, who will be Cefora, who teamed up with Vozreal but they don't it yeah.)

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Allison opened the door. It was Alastor. just kidding, it was Cefora.

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"girl got cake!" Grimm said about Allison, pissed drunk, "she dummy thicc!" Allison blushed like Hell in summer. "You have a girlfriend," Azrael reminded, "her name starts with a Z?"


Both Crow and Dove stayed silent, due to the ridiculousness of the situation, and promptly waited to be introduced to the new guest. Crow was still leaning on the kitchen counter, while Dove was sitting on one of the bar stools, sipping root beer and spinning the seat round and round.