(I like it! Just don’t expect me to get it done in 20 minutes, hehe)
(I like it! Just don’t expect me to get it done in 20 minutes, hehe)
(Alright, continue with the story)
“And they fight to the death?” Crow wondered how this even became a show.
“And they’re demons?” Dove wondered if these guys were pulling her leg.
"Yep, its really fun! Of course they get reincarnated, but that process takes a long time. You want to keep an eye out for Mark," Azrael says as she flopped onto the couch. Mark Girther, the demon on tv currently, appeared.
"He's a war demon," Grimm said.
Crow silently rolled her eyes. Yep, it’s fun watch demons fight to the death! she had to admit, it wasn’t really her style.
“A war demon,” Dove echoed. How are we watching this right now? she thought. “Is this being filmed… in hell?”
She could take stuff like this pretty well, and she curious about how the show was produced, despite it also not being to her liking.
"Yeah, where else do you think there's demons?" Allison asked
"Mark! Mark! Mark!" You could hear the other people chanting.
They sat in silence for a few moments, sipping their root beer as a feeling of being glued to the screen despite not being interested took over them. Like most sports games have a habit of doing. Then Crow decided to get to the point.
“So… you all can do magic?”
(Do you mind if Allison isn’t in the pic?)
(Sure, also my parents took my phone, which is how i normally use notebook.)
"Yep," They all said, except for Rachel, who was human, but didn't care for magic in general.
(Dang it I forgot Rachel)
“Oh,” Crow took Rachel’s silence as a no. “Is it even necessary for us to say that we can do it too?” she chuckled. Silently, she wondered what abilities they had.
"Me and my brother Grimm do Death-related magic, and Allison does Healing magic, what type of magic do you do?" Azrael said.
"Basically, My brother and I can reap souls, resurrect someone, and make things die or decay at a faster rate.
"Allison can use 'Let It Be Bright', which is a duller verison of 'Let There Be Light', which fixes and healing everything and everyone around it in a 100 foot radius. Also, all of us, sans Rachel, can fly."
(Don't make a Sans joke.)
“Oh, so it’s not necromancy?” said Crow, since that’s what she thought of. “We don’t know about that. We’re just witches.”
“I thought of my Gramma’s herbs and brews when you said Healing magic.” Dove said. “Anyway, we can transform into birds, our namesakes. Among other things.”
We’re these guys even witches? What they described was very different to how they thought about it.
(Hah! I’m not even in the fandom)
"Also, War uses, well, war magic."
"Let's watch some Deathly Redemption," Grimm said.
The two remaining people were shown on screen.
Alessandra Silver, a brunette lust demon, is up against Mark Girther, a black haired war demon.
It was 1v1.
"Who will become an Angel tonight and who will remain a demon? We will see, after these message," The demon judge said.
The logo and name of Deathly Redemption appeared, along with the words "Directed and Produced by Afterlife Inc." in tiny, bu readable, writing. The TV channel was 616 HGS/SN, a game show/sports network.
“I still have questions,” Dove moved her hands around as words tumbled out her mouth. “Why do demons fight to become angels? Also, wouldn’t this be considered illegal? I don’t think Satan would like his own demons changing their allegiance to God. How do you even have access to this?”
"After the last standoff with Vozreal, God & Satan decided that enough was enough, basically, & thus, they created Afterlife Inc.," Azrael finished as the commericals ended.
“I still have questions,” Dove moaned, but didn’t continue.
But Crow had a question as well. “You don’t seem like witches. What exactly do you-“ but the demon judge’s loud voice suddenly cut her off.
“And we’re back for the deathly showdown! Silver vs. Girther!”
"Who will come out on top? Let's find out."
“I suppose I’ll save it for later,” muttered Crow.
"On one side we have Alessandra Silver, seducing the competition! On the other, we have Mark Girther!"
The demon judge sounded like the female version of Wilford Warfstache. She was Lucifer, aka The Devil, aka Satan. The other judge was God herself.
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