forum Role Play//One on One//Anyone who is online//It's gay and closed
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"We should go to bed. It's been a long day. Me for breakfast or you?" Lucifer yawned.

Deleted user

"If I can get up tomorrow sure." Lucifer joked. "Of course I can. Good night, love you." Lucifer smiled before falling asleep in Jamie's arms.

Deleted user

Lucifer woke up rubbing his eyes as he got up. He dragged his wings that were now to the ground though he didn’t notice. Lucifer left a note that read, “Making breakfast! Come downstairs as soon a possible, my queen!” Lucifer drew a little heart in the corner as well.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie woke a few minutes later, yawning softly and stretching as he sat up. He rubbed at his face, blinking blearily. When he couldn’t find Licifer he grew a little confused, searching for the other. He found the note instead and grinned, humming happily as he made his way down stairs. “Good morning, love…”

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie woke a few minutes later, yawning softly and stretching as he sat up. He rubbed at his face, blinking blearily. When he couldn’t find Licifer he grew a little confused, searching for the other. He found the note instead and grinned, humming happily as he made his way down stairs. “Good morning, love…”

Deleted user

"Morning!" Lucifer was startled a bit. "How did you sleep?" He moved the bacon around on the pan and watched it sizzle.

Deleted user

"Want my love and attention?" Lucifer asked turning around to face Jamie.

Deleted user

"Breakfast is almost done so sit down and then you can have all my love and attention. Lucifer kissed his nose before turning back to the bacon.

Deleted user

Lucifer gave Jamie his plate and then gave himself food. He sat down next to his fiance and admired him. "You're cute when your sleepy."

Deleted user

"No…your cute." Lucifer smiled and started to eat. He got the syrup from the middle of the table. Lucifer spread the syrup all over his pancakes and bacon. "Want some?"

Deleted user

Lucifer gave it to Jas. "Yes very cute." He laughed and started to eat his pancakes once more. "You know We should go out today."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie thanked him softly and pouted as he pouted syrup over his food. “We should go out today. On a date! Just us.” He replied, peeking up at the thought of going out with his love.

Deleted user

"Sure. Where to?" Lucifer leaned his head on Jamie.

Deleted user

"I like being dumb with you so I accept." Lucifer giggled. "You know, I love you, very much." he grinned.

Deleted user

'Finish your food." Lucifer nudged his arm and stood up. He put his empty plate in the sink. "I'm ready when you are."

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Ah… alright.” Jamie returned to his food, staring at it for a moment before he began eating again. His stomach felt full but he would finish it for Lucifer.

He picked up his empty plate a few moments later, walking it over to the sink and placing it in there. “You’re ready? Can I change?”