forum Role Play//One on One//Anyone who is online//It's gay and closed
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@Toxic_Persephone group

“I could come to you…. you wouldn’t have to leave…” he cried, looking down at the ring as Lucifer took his hand.

Jamie completely broke then, clutching At Lucifer’s hands as hot tears ran down his face. “I’ll stay… but I’m scared, Lucifer. What if you find someone better than me down there… what if I lose you… what if I never get to see you ever again?” He shook from head to toe, his wings starting to fail him.

“I won’t live if I can’t talk to you, Lucifer. I seriously can’t. I don’t want to go back to being alone and bullied and hurt.”

Deleted user

Lucifer started to calm down. "f you go to me you can't go back to the surface. No, no, no there will never be anyone better than you. No one else is the one for me besides you. You have to trust me because I trust you that you won't move on. If anyone does try to come on me. I have the power to banish them or kill them. You won't loose me because I'll be right here okay?" Lucifer kissed Jamie's ring. "I'm right here…"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“When will I get to see you again…?” He asked quietly, his tears flowing more as he thought about never getting to talk to his husband again. “Why can’t I go back up…? You can’t do anything to fix that…? Why can’t I visit you…? What if I never get to visit you ever again. I don’t want to marry you if I can’t see you.” He whispered. “I’m so scared that I’ll never be with you again. I can’t stay committed if I don’t get to see you… I’ll stay faithful but it’ll hurt. If I don’t get to see you I’ll die alone and I hate that thought.”

Deleted user

"I can't change the laws of physics. God can't do everything. You will see me again. No less then 6 or 7 months. After everything dies down in hell. I'm not busy with proving my dominance I will come straight to you. I won't die alone because by the time 25 to 30 years old I'll stay for good and then, I'll be able to get pregnant, as weird as it sounds I will and then, we'll have a child to raise and then he'll be the new king and hopefully he'll fall in love with a demon." Lucifer smiled. "Until then It'll be visits as frequent as possible."

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie sniffled, trying to calm himself down so he wouldn’t fall out of the sky. It felt like his happiness had been slightly shattered by this new piece of information.

“6 months… child…” he echoed quietly, leaning into the other. “Can we go to your place…? I don’t feel much like flying anymore.” He whimpered.

“Will we never live together…? I wanted to live in a nice home with you… raise our children together… will that never happen?”

Deleted user

Lucifer was hurt. "I'm sorry I'm not the normal boyfriend. I'm sorry, I dragged you into this crazy mess and I'm sorry you have to deal with my shit! But hey… I'm trying. I know we can never have a normal life. I'm sorry that our children will be sent to hell. Do you know how much that pains me. There is nothing I want more than to be happy with you! I love you! I will go crazy without you, but I'm willing to wait, I trust you that you'll be waiting when I'm back!"

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie wrapped his arms around Lucifer’s neck, hugging him tightly. “I’ll be waiting for you… I’ve never felt more happy than I am when I’m with you…” he whispered. “Even we cant raise our children together… I want to be yours…”

Deleted user

"Then let's do that and when I said get pregnant. I mean with you…" Lucifer closed his eyes as they stopped flicking and went back to normal. "You said you wanted to go down now right?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“You can really do that….? So a child will be ours…?” Jamie asked hopefully, still shaking from silent sobs that wracked his body. “I do… I’m too tired to keep flying…”

Deleted user

Lucifer nodded and bit his lips. "Yeah….I'm going to have a baby with you if you allow it to happen." Lucifer started to fly down and back to his house. "Can we take a bath together?"

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I want it to happen…” he murmured, following Lucifer with a slight drag to his movements. Jamie didn’t look as happy as he had been earlier. His heart ached. “I would like a bath. Lets bath together…”

Deleted user

"You're still upset aren't you?" Lucifer asked, kissing Jamie's ring.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I am… I’m upset that I won’t get to live with you or see you for so long. We really can’t live together, Lucifer? Is it going to be only visits for the rest of our lives?” He asked quietly, but his voice wasn’t angry or upset. Just sad.

Deleted user

"No…until I'm old enough to leave which won't be long we can live together and raise a family. I promise. Like I said visits until I'm 25 to 30. I promise you it'll go bye so quick and after those months of confusion is over in hell. Every weekend, two days I will spend with you." Lucifer kissed his cheek.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I’m going to miss you…” he murmured, pressing closer after the kiss. “Six months is a long time not to talk to you. Can we at least send letters or something?” He asked, struggling to keep up with Lucifer’s speed as his wings grew more tired and heavier.

Deleted user

Lucifer laughed. "I don't think that's how hell works, but I'll see what I can do. And hey, I'm still here right?" Lucifer noticed his speed slowed down. "Let me carry you." He scooped him up and started to fly towards his house.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie nodded softly, looking a little put down. He would have no way to contact Licifer. He would miss the other greatly.
As he was scooped up, Jamie sighed. He rested his head against Lucifer’s chest and breathed him in. He’d miss this warmth and scent.
“You better leave me with at least a sweatshirt, Lucifer.” He huffed playfully.

Deleted user

Lucifer chuckled softly. "I'll leaven you with my closet and how about this. I give you my ring and you give me yours so I can kiss the ring and it will be like you're kissing me. We can do that when we get home though. After we take a bath together.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I’d like that… let’s switch rings when we get back, okay?” He played with his ring, staring at it. “How long do we have with each other until you have to leave…?”

Deleted user

"Three days…let's make the most of it okay. Don't focus on me leaving focus on me being here with you okay?" Lucifer flew through his window and placed Jamie on the floor. Lucifer took off his ring and gave it to Jamie.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“Three days…..?” A lot less time than he had originally thought. His heart dropped but he managed to hide his increased sadness.

Jamie took the ring he was given and offered his own to Lucifer. He pressed the black metal to his lips in a soft kiss. “God I’m going to miss you so much….”

Deleted user

Lucifer kissed the ring himself after pulling it on. "I'll miss you too." Lucifer pulled Jamie down for a kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Let's go take a bath. Then I can ride you."

Deleted user

Lucifer giggled and took Jamie into the bathroom. He stripped down his clothes and turned on the tub. "You can admire me. I know I'm beautiful." Lucifer joked and let down his hair.