forum Role Play//One on One//Anyone who is online//It's gay and closed
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Lucifer woke up the next day earlier than usual and wrote on note on the counter. Ir read that he was making breakfast and to meet him downstairs. He got up and got dressed, then went downstairs to cook.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie, like the lazy angel he was, slept in for a little longer than his lover. When he woke up it was to the lovely smell of breakfast. He yawned and stretched, feeling around for Lucifer. He frowned when he wasn’t in bed.

With a soft sigh he stood and walked over to the note, reading it with a smile. After that he was nearly skipping down the stairs, moving to hug Lucifer from behind. “Hi, baby, whatchu making?”

Deleted user

"Good morning, I am making your favorite because I'm cooking today." Lucifer Hummed. "Why are you so peppy today?"

Deleted user

"Good, I have more markings to do for the next three days, but after that, how about we go and get our ring picked out?" Lucifer smiled and moved the bacon around.

Deleted user

"Go set the table while I finished this up." Lucifer kissed his fiance's lips.

@Toxic_Persephone group

Jamie grinned brightly at the kiss. “Okay! Anything for you, love.” He hummed happily as he moved to grab them plates and silverware, setting it down with a happy sigh.

Deleted user

Lucifer laid out the eggs pancakes and bacon. "There is one more thing." The oven beeped and pulled out cinnamon buns. He set then on the table and sat down next to Jamie. "Breakfast is served.

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“Just eat your food you dork,” Lucifer giggled and pushed his head playfully.

Deleted user

"You'll get hugs after breakfast okay?" Lucifer shook his head and laughed. He began to eat humming in delight.

Deleted user

"You are such a messy eater. You got cinnamon on your mouth." Lucifer ran a thumb over the spot, but couldn't get it off. "You know this might be easier." He kissed Jamie and licked the cinnamon off at the same time.

@Toxic_Persephone group

“I am not-“ he began, but paused as he was touched. He hummed happily, about to thank the other before he was suddenly kissed. He blushed a bright red, giggling nervously and hiding his face in Lucifer’s neck. “Now who’s being the tease?”

Deleted user

“I’m not teasing. The cinnamon wouldn’t come off with something dry so I had to use something wet.” Lucifer shrugged and went back to eating.

Deleted user

“Am not~” he chuckled and finished his eating. “Hurry up and finish eating I want kisses before pain.”

Deleted user

"Well, then no kisses for you then." Lucifer shrugged and started to wash his dishes before heading for the stairs.

Deleted user

Lucifer stopped at the first step and leaned on the railing. "Do I get kisses now?"