Kohaku was worried enough as is. “If you want me to, I can return and warn them, but will we have to relocate…?” I don’t want to…. Ryuu, help us…
And with an anxious, out-of-control mind, she paced her way back to Katsumi. They should be still here, but what if we just lead him to the jackpot?
“If he doesn’t track us…” Rigel mumbled, “Maybe we could hide there, for the time being.” If he gives up the hunt… Which won’t ever happen… Rigel shook, his powers flaring but nothing happened because there wasn’t any metal nearby.
“Hide? In the palace??” Kohaku wasn’t really sure if that was the best idea, and it was concerning that she would be dragging the others into it. “I suppose… that’s…. not a bad idea.” She glared at his shaking body, turning out to be more sympathetic than when she told him her story. I bet he’s starving, and he’d be better off if I hadn’t dropped the soup… why do I have to be like this??
(Oof, Rigel meant hiding in Katsumi)
(:0 oh no can u fix that? Maybe?)
(Yeah, go to the … in the corner of you’re post and you can edit it)
“Can you… Do you know the way back?” He asked quietly, biting his lip. This time I don’t have metal to defend myself… His eyes scanned the woods around them, looking for any sort of movement.
“Oh! S-Sure I do. I’ve been around here long enough….” Kohaku got out in front, and her ears tingled irritably with the fear of being violently grabbed. She rushed on through the woods, turning every which way until they came back to Katsumi’s ivy-coated walls. “We’re here already….?” Oh well…. hopefully we’re safe now…
Rigel looked over the walls. We should be safe. We’ll be safe. I just can’t go back to the city… “We definitely need to warn them,” Rigel reminded quietly, still clutching his hand to his chest. I need to get that burn looked at…
“Warn them about… uh… Peter, right?” She went up to the stoop and opened up the door. “But what… what does he want?” Before much more time was wasted, she closed it behind them, making sure that he was inside. I don’t think I ever caught his name…
Rigel looked away when the name was mentioned, wrapped his arms around himself. For a second, he felt the bruises still haunting him like phantoms, but the feeling disappeared. He bit his lip, forcing himself to not cry. Rigel whispered, barely more than silent, “He want to hunt all people with… abilities. Magic.” Sometimes more than hunt them…
Kohaku’s tail frizzed, and her ears twitched. “Hunt!? Why didn’t you tell me this?” Now everyone else is in danger! Instead of going on and on, she managed to get a solid look at him, and more sympaphy covered the plaguing anxiety. “….Are you alright?” Hopefully I didn’t say something wrong…
“N-No,” He whispered shakily, tears dropped out of his eyes on accident. Rigel wiped at them furiously, but his hands were shaking yet again. I saw that look on his face- Rigel let out a sudden sob, burying his face in his hands.
Kohaku had no idea who this Peter man was, but it sounded like she didn’t want to know. “If you don’t want to tell me about him, that’s fine…. I’ll just try my best to tell the others about him, though.
But what exactly makes this guy…. so bad besides the fact that he almost killed him?
“He- He- He did things,” Rigel whispered, his legs mobilizing and he started walking down the hall as to avoid talking anymore about it. He attempted to change the subject, “W-Where can I bandage my hand?”
If he doesn’t want to talk about it, he doesn’t want to talk about it, I guess…. “I’ll go and fetch Daichi— he’ll be able to “bandage” your hand…. and I’m so sorry…..” Kohaku went off and upstairs, finding the giant panda in his room, watering a bonsai on his windowsill. “I’m sorry to interupt, but…. I accidentally burnt… um… the human’s hand….”
Daichi set his watering pot down and sighed. “Of course you did…. Well, where is he then?” He allowed her to follow him back into the hallway, where Rigel was.
Rigel sat against the wall, hoping his face wasn’t red and puffy even though it was. He curled his arms around himself, clutching his red and swollen hand at the same time. Rigel looked up when the fox girl brought Daichi.
“I see Kohaku managed to bring you back here,” He grunted, beckoning him to stand. He got a good look at his red, swollen hand. “Yikes…. she burnt you good…. But I’ll be able to fix it….”
He ran his own hand over the injured, some kind of green essence projecting from his palm. The hand shrank back to normal size, and the red tone went away within seconds.
Kohaku… That’s her name… As soon as Daichi was done, he pulling his hand back. He moved it to feel no pain, thankfully. Rigel chewing his lip, then started quietly, “You need to prepare to defend this place. You and the others. H-He’s out there and- and he’s on the hunt—“ Rigel broke off, tensing as memories popped up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no—
Daichi rushed Kohaku along, telling her to go inform all the others. “Do…. Do you know what he does??? Remember, the more thourough, the better we can push back against him.” I can already tell he’s getting anxious just from thinking about it… “But take it easy— we’re all here to help you get rid of this guy, and we’re behind you one-hundred percent.”
“He— He keeps victims alive…” Rigel said quietly, pressing himself against the wall.It was too open, he felt too exposed in the hallway. But he forced himself to keep on going, “He tracks people who have magic, and he- he kills them and he— he’s psychotic.”
Daichi shook his head. They just keep getting crazier and crazier…. “Once Mamoru gets the news, we can either decide to stay and defend the stronghold, or relocate.” And judging from that crazy city nearby…..
His fur became hot and sticky. He hadn’t been under pressure in a long time now, and he was sure this was the biggest concern besides keeping them all alive.
Rigel’s eyes glazed over, and mumbled something inaudible. Please no… Not again… Please… He was shivering, not because of the cold but because of the fear that struck him down to his bones.
Daichi shook him. “Rigel? Rigel are you alright?” He couldn’t afford tol kill a human on accident, let alone on purpose. “Rigel!”
His hands shook with anxiety. “Stay with us!”