forum Rashe, Meadow, and Azrael's Home
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"You know what? This is pretty boring, so go to Tartarus, the only place where it's impossible to escape from," Azrael said, as a hole in the ground formed, four arms rose from the hole in the ground, grabbed Joe, and dragged him down into Tartarus, and the hole in the ground resealed.


rashe looked between the two before bursting, a roaring flame aimed at the ground between the two "THAT"S ENOUGH!" he dragon towered behind him, snarling and coiling impatiently "What business does another another Flame Master have with me? I've done nothing wrong. As for the evil shit, hell, I don't really care. you two can figure that out in a different area. Not around the girl. THese came into my care willingly. And I will not have any death near them, am I understood? I don't care if I'm mortal, do what you will to me, but leave them out of this."

Deleted user

(Azrael does have a weakness, but if she is killed, the immediate collaspe of the multiverse happens. That's why she basically has no weaknesses)


Rahse blinked when the other dissapeard and looked over to Azrael "was that really necessary?"

Deleted user

(See what I mean? I don't look forward to these battles because I KNOW that Azrael's gonna win, and I pretty much know how. It's boring. Give your character some real weaknesses. Here, let's do something. Joe is a mirror. If he is fighting someone immortal, he is immortal. If he is fighting a mortal, he is mortal.)

Deleted user

(reset to the point that Meadow asked what was going to happen!)

Deleted user

Meadow almost let out a tear. "What's happening? She asked Azrael."

Deleted user

(better yet, lets not reset, but have Joe come back later.)

Deleted user

Meadow cam running out. "Is everyone okay!?" she asked.

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(But like way later)
"We're fine. Bonus, Rashe's Immortal now."
Azrael went inside and got another cup of beer from her keg.


Rashe took at deep breath and extingiushed the flame with a flourish of his hand, the dragon diminishing in size but still there. It tilted his head at the young girl and flew up into the air (bwt i was thinking of a chines dragon) and towards the young girl, bellowing puffs of smoke.
"Sure, more or less. How'd you get out? rashe asked, turning to the girl

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Meadow ran up to hug Rashe. Then stopped. "It's midnight. We should be going to bed."

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"When I had a smug grin on my face for no reason, that was the reason."


he nodded and gently held the little girls hand "lets go then." he nodded to the dragon and led the girl inside and to bed, tucking her in safely. "Want CHi to stay with you?"

Deleted user

Meadow tilted her head. "Ask Azrael. She probably did a bunch of wierd magic stuff."

Deleted user

"It's really not that complicated," Azrael sighed.

Deleted user

"Goodnight," Azrael said as she fell asleep on the couch, drunk.


He sighed softly "great…" he patted Meadow's head and waved a hand to Chi, changing his coloring to a duller orange so the light wouldn't bother her. "get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning."
Rashe went back into the living room and sat in the chair across from the couch. "is it permanent or can it be reversed?" he asked Azrael

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"Depends," Azrael said, "Do you want it reversed?"


He sighed softly when he realized she was asleep as well and shook his head "not gonna happen reaper girl." He scooped her up gently, careful not to touch anywhere that would get him in jail and set her down next to meadow, pulling a blanket over her before he went back to the living room and fell asleep on the couch