forum Rashe, Meadow, and Azrael's Home
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Rashe jogged after her, scooping her up so she'd stop for moment "whoa whoa whoa, and where do you think we're going to keep this pet of yours young lady?" he asked

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Meadow stopped for a second, then got an idea. "In the backyard." She replied.


He sighed softly, and set her down "go ahead, we'll figure out the arrangements later." he couldn't bear to break the young girl's heart, knowing he wouldn't be able to handle that type of stress

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She entered the shelter, and didn't even blink an eye at the dogs or cats. She took a look at the small birds, and with one look…she turned away and went on. As she turned to leave the shelter, she noticed something in a large cage that had looked empty before. She saw a raccoon face, she called it over, and it came bounding over, it was the size of a horse. A raccoon the size of a horse.


oh dear god please not the raccoon…damn it she went for the raccoon… Rashe sighed softly "you're sure there's not anything else you'd like?"

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Meadow shook her head. "Nope!" She laughed. She walked up to the adoption lady. "I would like the giant raccoon." She said in a surprisingly professional voice. The lady raised an eyebrow. "Does your child have a death wish!? That's the most dangerous creature in the country!"

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"I'll take care of it for her," Azrael said to the woman up front.

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"Let me say that, so you can actually get it!" Azrael angerly whispered to Meadow.

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"Yeah, I will take of it," Azrael stated, again.

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"Thank you," Azrael said as she got the Giant Raccoon and paid for it. They left the adoption center with the giant raccoon and went back to the house.

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Meadow pet her new pet. It sqeeaked back, they pretty much repeated this for the next hour.


Rahse walked behind them the whole time, dumfounded as to how in the whole world he actually allowed for meadow to get and Raccoon. He was expecting her to get a cat or a dog or hell, even a bird! but Raccoon?!


Once they got to the house he let them all in and stood in the middle of his home, "what do raccoons even eat?" he asked softly, watching as Chi emerged and tilted his head at the strange creature

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"A mixture of small insects, mammals, and pretty much anything they can find." Meadow laughed. "This one may not eat so "small" mammals."