forum Rashe, Meadow, and Azrael's Home
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Rashe sighed heavily and peeked inside the cage. "for now we'll feed it veggies and meat scraps."

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Meadow burst in. "Wait a second who said he would be in a cage?"


Rashe glanced "He's not sleeping on the bed. until we find him a proper bed, we can pad the cage with some blankets and he can sleep in there

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"You guys get some food for the raccoon, I will stay here," Azrael said.


Rashe sighed softly “I’ll see what we can get from the local butcher shop, maybe he’ll sell scraps.”

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Meadow followed Rashe to the butcher shop, riding her raccoon. She got off and went inside. The moment they stepped in the butcher stopped them. "You must be at least 18 to enter." He stated.


Rashe tilted his head curiously but then glanced up at the butchered animals hanging in the back.
“Meadow, mind waiting outside with your pet? I’ll be out quickly.”

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Meadow happily danced outside and went to her pet. She rubbed her hand against his head. He felt soft and warm.


He smiled softly at the girl and nodded to the man at the counter “how much for a pound of beef tips?”

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The man thought for a second. "Five Bucks." He said gruffly


He arched an eyebrow in surprise but handed over a 10. Then in that case I’ll take two pounds.”

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He handed over two pounds and…they were probably over ten months old.


He narrowed his eyes slightly “isn’t there anything fresher?” He asked, not even picking up the back. “Maybe something that doesn’t have ecoli?”