He sighed softly, knowing it was no use hiding it from the girl now. "Yes, though I wouldn't call it magic." He looked behind him, back towards where his home was. "do you have parents?" he asked, turning back to the girl once more
He sighed softly, knowing it was no use hiding it from the girl now. "Yes, though I wouldn't call it magic." He looked behind him, back towards where his home was. "do you have parents?" he asked, turning back to the girl once more
Azrael picks up Meadow and hugs her.
"Wait," azrael said. She got something out and spun arohnd in a circle.
"No Nightmare," She said.
"Last time we all got together, Pepper turned out to be Nightmare, which was like some diablo-ex-machina shit. That better not happen again."
"Oh, hi, Rashe!"
Meadow jumps out of Azrael's arms and turns to Rashe. "No, but Azrael sometimes takes care of me."
Rashe tilted his head curiously at the two and pointed between them "you two know each other i'm assuming?" he sighed on slight relief though he was still very much confused
Meadow frowned. "I am not" She sternly said.
Meadow perked up. "Yes. We've known each other for a while now actually."
Rashe nodded and sat down on the ground, not minding if he got dirt of his jacket "and this whole demon x machina thing I'm assuming happened while you were with them." he nodded towards Azrael and arched an eyebrow
Meadow laughed as she jumped around "Our friend ended up being our enemy. It was quite strange."
Meadow looked back towards Rashe's house. "Is that food?" she asked.
"there's food in it." he sighed softly, knowing that people would think of him creepy if he brought the two girls back to his home. He honestly didn't care though, he would never hurt them and would make sure they were safe. "Come on, I'll cook something up for you two to eat."
Meadow ran towards the house, ready for any kind of food. The house was small and only had a couple rooms, but Meadow didn't care. It was better then the woods.
"Make sure its something that tastes good."
Rashe chuckled softly and nodded "I can't promise something five star or anything but I'll try my best." he went to the kitchen while he let the girls explore the home. It wasn't anything fancy but it was tidy and welcoming. Shelves of books lined the walls, anything from fantasy to historical fiction was included in the wide selection. There were also many note books and old journals that held recipes and only wiccan spells.
"You know, Rashe, I can perform some magic myself," Azrael said as she flopped onto the couch.
Meadow jumped up from her spot in her chair, "She's the grimm reaper!" She shouted.
Azrael shouted.
Rashe arched an eyebrow in slight surprise "really? please don't kill anything in here, if you don't mind. I worked very hard to keep the little plants that stay alive in here that way." he thought for a moment and then turned fully to the two girls "hold on, does the grimm reaper appear when someone's about to die?"
Meadow nodded, "But she can also appear at other times, like now!"
Meadow giggled. "Did you know that we are both slowly dying right now?
He sighed in relief though his suspicions about the two still didn't waver. "I did indeed. it's the natural way of life." he said softly, never really liking to talk about death but since the topic came up and they were in the presence of a reaper, it only made sense to talk about it
"My brother appears when you die, if you live a neutrally moraled life. I appear if you lived a wicked or good life." Azrael explained.
Meadow laughed again. "She's still nice! It takes some real compassion to take care of a strange kid you find randomly at your house! Oh wait…" Meadow laughed even harder than before, almost falling off her chair in a fit of laughter.
Meadow looks out the window, then exclaims…"Look! Some guy with a torch is coming!"
Azrael snapped her fingers.
"They're dead," Azrael stated.
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