Harry nodded in understanding, finishing up the pasta and putting the plate in the sink before sitting back down again. "If you feel lonely, why don't you get a roommate?" He suggested, fully taking a look around the room. "Your place is rather big for one person."
"I know. But it would get hard trying to keep making up excuses as to why I keep coming home with bruises and injuries. All my hero friends all have there own place with full housing," He shrugged, "And if there was a normal civilian living here I couldn't risk my identity being leaked."
Harry sighed in defeat. "Do you have any friends that you can trust?" He asked. "That aren't a hero?" He added. He wanted to help Elijah, but he didn't know why. They were supposed to be rivals, yet here they are.
He shook his head, “None that are looking for a roommate,” Eli sighed, “I’ll be okay, I’m used to living alone so it doesn’t bother me that much. Would be nice I guess but still.”
"You sure?" He asked. "Maybe you could get a pet that doesn't need so much maintenance? I mean, you wouldn't feel as lonely any more and you'd also have a pet."
"But I'd feel bad for leaving it alone and not giving it the attention it needs," He replied, "I mean I thought about getting a cat at one point but decided against it. Guess I'm just cut out to be lonely."
"I bet you'll find someone," Harry replied. "And we can make an actual bet if you want, I bet $20 you'll find someone who doesn't care much about the fact that you're a hero."
Eli snorted, "Okay twenty bucks it is. But I doubt I will. As soon as I say, oh I'm Glitch the famous hero but you can't tell anyone my cover is gonna be blown!"
Harry chuckled softly. "Aren't girls going to throw themselves at you if they know you're famous? But, then again, those type of girls are usually pretty dumb, and will probably tell your secret to everyone when they;re drunk."
He sighed, "Girls aren't exactly the type I go for. Too… well, too female for me, can't deal with it. Sure, some aren't that bad as long as they're not trying to kiss you but I have a feeling that if I say I'm a hero it won't be long before they try and turn 'friend' into something more then that," His nose scrunched up, "No way in hell I'm letting that happen again."
He's gay? WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. HE'S GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Harry ignored his thoughts and nodded in understanding. "So, you're gay?" He asked, wanting to make sure. "And girls are usually like that, if you're nice to them in any form, they think you're trying to hit on them or planning on kidnapping them."
Eli nodded with a small chuckle, “Gay, homosexual, lover of men whatever you want to call it yes, I am,” He sighed, “And yes, girls are like that. And it sucks because I can’t have any female friends unless they’re hero’s and are taken already.”
"I think the word gay works." Harry chuckled softly. "I mean, you don't go around telling everyone 'I'm a lover of men,' do you?"
Elliot snorted and shook his head with a soft laugh, "No I don't. But if a girl tries to get into my pants then I will. Usually if I say I'm gay they still try so saying something like 'lover of men' tends to be a turn off."
Harry laughed softly. "Isn't that what it's supposed to do?" HE'S GaYyyYYyYYYYYYYyYYyYyyyYYYy. yEsSsSsSsSSSsS He kept ignoring his thoughts. "Like, if I don't want a girl to get in my pants, saying I'm gay is supposed to be turn off. How would it even be a turn on?"
(Ignore Harry's thoughts)
(Harry is a mood)
The hero shrugged a shoulder, "No clue. I have been told I'm wrong and that if I just slept with a girl I'd know that I'm straight blah blah. Honestly it's all bull that comes out of those girls mouths."
"Just tell them you've slept with a guy and you liked it," Harry suggested. "Unless, you've never slept with someone before, I can change that very easily."
(Lmao I know right)
Elijah rolled his eyes, though he did blush, "I've said that, they usually back off after. And for clarification I have slept with people." Not recently though.
"It would've been weird if they didn't back off," Harry said with a slight chuckle at Eli's blush. "And who? If you don't mind me asking."
"You wouldn't know them. Just ex-boyfriends and random hookups from when I've been drunk." He shrugged, trying to ignore the burning in his cheeks.
"Someone suddenly got shy." Harry chuckled softly as he rested his head in his hand. "Does little Eli not like talking about sex?"
"What! I no- that's not- I-I'm not-" Eli looked down at his feet, the slightest hint of a pout crossing his lips, "I'm not little." He mumbled, completely ignoring everything else.
(Just wondering, how tall is Elijah?)
Harry couldn't help the smile on his face, Elijah was just too cute to resist. Why is he so cUTE? "Hush." He reached over and put a finger over his lips. "You are little, so hush."
(smol boy is 5'3)
Elijah's blush deepened and he blinked a couple times, "Don't hush me, that's completely unfair." He tried to glare, but there was no real strength behind it.
(Oof Harry's like 5'7)
Harry chuckled, wondering just how cute someone could be. "I will hush you, I am taller than you and therefore, you are little in height and personality."