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(I know it’s my city, it’s tru.
But I can do something that is related to M shooting someone if you want.)
(I know it’s my city, it’s tru.
But I can do something that is related to M shooting someone if you want.)
(oh dang. Girl pack on the dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
(Imean I’m just saying like it’s a city with the most royal guard and detective eye so it doesn’t happen much. But anyway I was thinking all day about a crime I could walk us through if you want.)
(Sure! bring it on! Just trying to add some plot ya know?)
(Sure thing! I’m planning to make M a total boss xD)
(I would expect nothing less. :P)
(:p i haven’t showed off his bossiness)
(Please do. I feel like maelia is much too dominant lol)
(Lmao. M is technically submissive soooooo)
(Anyway let me write something out.)
M lead her through the peaceful town of Isla. The sun, Urli, sunk beneath the quiet, pinkening waves as M pronounced to her Cameron’s resturaunt. It was lit quite dim but the doors were still open and the cool AC was inviting on their sweaty faces. He stood by her side as he walked into the resturant. The resturant was a slate-gray and eggshell blue mix, with the seats being the eggshell and the floors and wall being the slate. The fixtures were a milky white color. There were pictures of famous peoples who have visited the resturant, such as actors, singers, and even the King, his husband, and M (who was grinning up at the camera with a sprout of asparagus sticking from his mouth (he really likes asparagus)). All of the photos were signed.
They were greeted by the greeter, who sat them in a booth. They wished them a fine stay before stepping off.
However, M did not feel he would have a fine stay. Something felt off to him. As if something had fallen over and someone had left it like that. His eyes flitted around the resturant and he even sunk in his seat. His eyes strayed on a few individuals at the bar, to a lonely man sitting at a wire retro-themed table, to a younger woman twirling her hair as she looked at her phone, her ruby lips turned up in a smile.
Maelia's eyes brightened as they sat. Her attention on the building around them. She smiled softly at all the photo's, chuckling at the picture of Neo and company. Her brother's fluffy curls unmistakable as well at the cheeky grin he had aimed at the camera. Maelia certainly liked this city by the sea and wouldn't mind making the move. She still fretted over what her parents might say but she was her own woman now. Braith was barely old enough to be considered an adult and he was making it just fine. So could she. Right?
"This place is lovely." She finally said to the tense man before her.
M started like a gunshot had went off, and he focused back on her. He was being ridiculous. He needed to focus on his… whatever this was, perhaps his outing and just be pleasant. He mustered a slight smile that did not match the happy, easygoing one in his photo.
“Yeah. It’s great.”
Maelia cocked a brow, carefully catching the difference in smiles. "Are you sure? You seem a bit jumpy and….tense." She used her chin to point at M's clenched fist on the table.
M took his hand and slapped it against the leather of the seat. The noise made his stupid self jump like an oversensitive guinea pig.
“I’m not tense! I’m fine.”
Maelia's mouth quirked as her relaxed eyebrow flicked up to meet the other high on her forehead. She steepled her fingers against her lips and leveled a deep warm gaze at M. "Oh of course. Completely relaxed." A teasing lit making her voice soft.
(Ehy how long are you on tonight?)
M couldn’t let herself meet her gaze. He felt he couldn’t get comfortable and relaxed. The outside atmosphere was just too odd and strange to his Magic, which had fluffed out his hair more than what it was. Something was wrong.
"We–we don't have to stay if you are uncomfortable." Maelia said softly, tucking a springy curl behind her ear. She could see how tense he was and it was making her tense as well. Red flame danced over her knuckles as she squeezed them.
M swallowed and jumped at a slight movement from the bar. “N-o, it’s okay.” He slowly took out his phone and set it down on the table.
“I… um… here.” He opened his phone, tapping on the Phone app and going to his contacts. He pressed on an unassigned number, pushing her the phone. His eyes flitted around before he focused back on her.
“I want you to go outside of this resturant, hide yourself well, and call this number.” His voice had suddenly dropped a few pitches and his eyes were dark and serious. “When someone answers, most likely a masculine voice, I want you to ask for Jericho. The likelihood of someone not answering is very slim.” His eyes darted around again before he refocused on her. “Once Jericho comes on the line, I want you to ask for backup Quick. I want Magic users who can teleport, I want it that quick. Go quietly, don’t make yourself known. Once the phone call has ended, stay put.” He took his wallet out of his pocket, a neat, black, leather one and handed it to her. “Take this, too.”
Maelia stared at M, wondering what in all the stars he was talking about. She numbly took what she was handed, not liking the situation for a single second. She stared down at the phone and wallet, aghast. "Right now?" Her voice didn't shake, thank the Gods, but the rest of the world seemed to be wobbling.
“Yes.” M took her hands when she grabbed his wallet, staring for her eyes. “I want you to stay calm. Whatever you hear coming from here, don’t be concerned. It’ll be okay.” He glanced around, spotting a waiter coming over. His heart pounded in his chest and he let her go.
“Go now. Please. And keep yourself safe.”
Maelia's brow creased as determination filled her eyes. She squeezed M's fingers tightly before swiftly standing. She stood tall and proud despite her shaking fingers, and still stopped to peck M on the cheek as she walked purposefully out of the restaurant. Braith…I need to call him too. She hoped M had his number saved.
She ducked into a warm store with wide widows so she could keep an eye on what was happening. Fear made her sick, but she took several deep breathes. Shoppers looked at her curiously, but she paid them no attention as she pressed 'call' on that number M had brought up for her. It barely rang once before a rather chipper voice picked up. "Ey! M! Why are you calling so late? You were supposed to be taking the day off to meet that lovely–"
"Jericho. I need to speak with Jericho." Maelia interrupted, voice like the fire within her.
"Eh….You're not M….One sec." Soft music thrummed her ear as she was placed on hold. More fire danced along her fingers and she shook them out, bouncing nervously on her toes.
"This is Jericho?" A smooth male voice said, obviously confused.
"M's is trouble. I don't know exactly–He told to to call–but I can't see–" Maelia gasped out trying to control her shaking.
"Whoa whoa. Slowly, cherie. You must be Maelia. Hi. I'm Jericho, M's second in command. I was hoping to meet you another, less stressful way, but cest la vie. Okay…take a deep breath and tell me exactly what M told you to say. Ready?" He spoke with the kind of authority that was calming, much like M. Maelia took a deep breath and released it slowly as she spoke.
"He said he needs backup. Quick. Umm–Magic users who can teleport. He needs that quick. I don't know what is happening though. I didn't see–"
"Okay. Great. You're doing great, cherie. Where are you?" She could hear movement in the back ground and Jericho's voice as he pulled away to give other's orders.
"Cameron's restaurant… I think. M sent me out. I'm in a store–"
"Great." The voice came from behind her and she almost lept out of her skin at the blonde that was giving her a soft smile.
"I got it from here, cherie." Jericho said, motioning the men that came with him to move towards the restaurant.
M glanced over his shoulder, playing anxiously with a straw wrapper. He needed Jericho to sit in front of him. He needed to give his commands and plan to his second, in hopes that his hot head wouldn’t get in the way. He had waited anxiously for the other detectives of his unit to arrive, and it was wonderful to see them there. The greeter greeted them with a smile and a bow.
“Hi there! Are you all here to see someone? Where would you like to sit?”
(Hot head returns. LOL)
Jericho left the trembling lady in the antique store with Kayla, the owner's daughter. Maelia. Sister of Neo's consort, Braith. Jericho exhaled as he strode across the way, men in tow. She was an absolute knock out, sharing the same stunning features of her brother. What genes that family has. M is a lucky man. Jericho silently cursed himself for making eyes at the woman. She was obviously enamored with M. The way she refused to take her eyes of the restaurant was enough to speak volumes. But damn…
Clearing his mind of all thoughts of the girl, he slid into the booth across from M.
"Boss." He said raising his brows. Their men casually slid into the chairs around them, looking like nothing but a bunch of guys relaxing after work.
M forced himself to visibly relax, his eyes still flitting around, however they occasionally rested on the man in the wire table and the ruby-lipped woman.
“Jericho. Rosemary. Damien. It’s good to see you all.” His fingers curled up around the thoroughly destroyed straw wrapper.
“Howevermuch I’d love to have a plesant conversation, we have a problem. Someone has entered this building with a gun.”
(fuck i thought Jericho took two women and two men my dumb ass
And nb won’t let me edit, just replace Rosemary with Ross, pleaaaaase)
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