@spacebluelily language
Thank you! So, how should these two meet?
Thank you! So, how should these two meet?
Hm, Mori could theoretically be trapped under something and Ximena could free him?
And then he could just stick around lol
Or we could say they've just known each other for a while, but that's not as exciting 👀
Hm, ah yes. Sounds good to me.
You're right, it's not as exciting lol
Okay, gimme a couple of minutes to put up a starter.
(If I disappear for more than an hour, that means my time on the computer is up and I'll have to respond till tomorrow)
(I do apologize if it's short)
Ximena had left her house for over two hours. She was too busy looking for materials for new weapons, that time had passed quickly, and she hadn't noticed. She hopped over boulders and broken pieces of glass that lay on the ground. She looked around the area that she know knew like the palm of her hand. She grabbed pieces of metal and copper as she walked, and chucked them into a bag she was holding with one hand. As Ximena bent down to grab a large metal piece, she heard a sound. In the middle of an almost deserted area. She dropped the bag and the metal and clutched the dagger she always brought with her tightly with one hand. She concentrated on the sound, and carefully made her way in the direction of the noise. "Hello? Anyone there?" Ximena called out, looking around for any sign of life.
(Np! I usually do that or a little less anyway, so you're good 👌)
Mordechai looked up weakly when he heard a voice. He had been trapped in the rubble of a collapsed house for hours, and he was struggling to do much. He was in pain, his mouth was dry from dehydration, and he could hear his stomach growling. He felt something wet on his back, so he figured he was bleeding.
He had resigned himself to his fate at this point. He fully expected to die here. After all, he was a seven year old boy trapped alone under rubble that he didn't have near enough strength to move, and there wasn't food or water anywhere in sight. However, hearing a woman's voice gave him hope, even if he might have imagined it. Even if it was fake, it was worth a shot.
"H… H-Hello…?" He called out weakly, coughing as his voice faltered and broke. "Who's there…? Can you help me? I… I-I'm stuck…"
Ximena’s eyes widened when she heard the voice of the child. She released her grip from the dagger and ran to where the boy was. Why in the world is there a child here? And how long have they been here? Are they okay? She thought to herself, as concern and fear started taking over her body. She tried to stay as calm as possible when she spoke. “Everything gonna be alright. Just hang on there for a little bit.” She said, as her hands touched the rubble where he was under. She knew she would be able to help the kid, but despite that, she found herself to be nervous. She took a deep breath and carefully started taking the things away until there was an opening for the boy to crawl out.
Mori coughed weakly when Ximena lifted the rubble, not sure if he had the strength to pull himself out, but forcing himself forward regardless. He didn't have much of a choice, after all. He dug his nails into the dirt and dragged himself forward until he had gotten himself free, trembling from exhaustion and pain.
Tears pooled in his eyes and he couldn't be bothered with wasting energy to brush them away. He curled up a bit on the ground, shaking violently as his blood slowly seeped into the dirt he was laying on. It was unclear exactly where he was bleeding from, but he seemed to be in pain, and he was obviously injured. "Nngh… th… th-thank you…" He managed to croak out, closing his eyes with a shaky sigh.
(I can't see it oof)
(I forgot about that adgjkk just a sec)
(You can work on your reply in the meantime if you want lol)
"You're injured badly," She said with a small gasp when she noticed the blood. The boy must've been there for a while for him to be this injured.. "I'll have to take you to my house. From there, I'll be able to give you the proper medical attention you need and whatever else you might need." She looked at the hurt boy. "I'll have to carry you because you don't look to be in a condition to walk. Is that alright with you?" She asked softly as she bent down on the ground.
(ahhhh, precious bean)
(you draw really great ^^)
"O-Okay… thank you, that's… that's fine…" He whispered softly in reply, keeping his eyes closed for the time being. He was hugging his chest and was grimacing in pain, and obviously struggling to focus. His palms were dry, and his voice was still dry and cracking. He obviously wasn't doing all that well.
He clutched an off white birdlike mask in one small fist, and he was wearing a torn overcoat of sorts. He also had an oversized hat on his head that seemed like it may have belonged to a family member he couldn't recall. He generally seemed pretty roughed up, but was doing his best to push through.
(ahhhh, precious bean)
(you draw really great ^^)
(You're welcome! I'm not going to be very active today because we're holding a small family party to celebrate my dad's birthday. Just thought I should let you know.)
Ximena pushed some of her red hair out of her sight and carefully picked up the boy. She didn't want to hurt him even more than he already was. As she walked, she quickly glanced at the bag filled with scraps of metal and other materials and sighed. She was going to have to return later for it. That was if some animal didn't decide to steal it first. But for now, there were more important matters at hand. She looked down at the boy as she started walking faster. The sun was starting to set and she knew how dangerous it was during the night. Especially with the night critters roaming around. "Hang on there for a bit. We're almost there."
"Mm… I'll try my best, ma'am…" He mumbled, resting his head weakly against her shoulder. He rested the mask on his stomach, his breathing harsh and labored. Breathing at all seemed to pain him, and it was shallow so he could avoid it hurting as much. Although it wasn't clear what his injuries were exactly, it was safe to assume he had some fractured ribs. Aside from internal injuries, he had a fair few scrapes that could prove dangerous if they were left alone. He coughed weakly and grimaced, tensing up in Ximena's arms. "Nngh…"
As they came closer to her house, she started to walk even faster. She opened the door with her fingers and quickly laid the boy down on the couch. She went back to the door and closed it. Ximena removed the black mask from her face and put it on the table near the door. She looked around for the medical supplies and grabbed them when she found them. She started working on the scrapes and looked around for other injuries. "Where exactly are you bleeding from?" She asked under her breath. She knew it was most likely that he had fractured his ribs, but there wasn't much Ximena could do to help him with that. When she finished bandaging all the injuries she could see, she went to the kitchen and after a couple of seconds, returned with a glass of water. She gently sat him up and handed him the cup.
Mori kept quiet while Ximena treated his injuries aside from the occasional hiss of pain through his teeth. He tried his best to keep still so as to not be cumbersome, although he was obviously very nervous. His heart pounded hard in his chest, and his eyelids fluttered whenever Ximena touched somewhere that hurt.
When she helped him sit up, he winced and accepted the cup of water with trembling hands. "Th-Thank you, ma'am…" He whispered, managing to lift the cup to his lips to drink some of it. He relaxed a little as he drank, giving a soft sigh of relief for being able to get the first clean water in him for ages. The bird mask lay beside him on the couch, and he was still noticeably trembling.
She grabbed a chair from the kitchen and sat down. She watched the boy as he drank the water, and noticed that he was starting to relax a bit. "You're welcome…" She paused as the realization hit her that she didn't know the boy's name. She shuffled somewhat in her chair, as she put her hands on her lap. "I'm Ximena. What's your name?" She then paused once again as she noticed he was still trembling. Her smile faltered a bit at this. "Are you cold? I can go get you a warm blanket for you if you want."
Mori looked up at the question, his gaze still a bit foggy and distant. "Oh, um… my name is Mordechai. But I usually just go by Mori…" He replied softly, continuing to drink the water until it was gone. "And… y-yeah, I guess. It's been chilly for a while." He glanced around the room, more willing to pay attention to it now that he felt a little more present.
"I've been alone for a while." He began, fidgeting uneasily. "I don't remember a lot from when I was really little. Something about that house felt familiar to me, so I went to investigate it. It collapsed while I was inside… it might've been yesterday, actually. I was stuck there for a pretty long time. I'm lucky to still be alive. I probably wouldn't be if you hadn't found me."
(He'll probably be trying to be out and about sooner than he should considering his injuries aha. He's gonna want to help Ximena out so he isn't just a waste of resources sfgnm)
(And Ximena's gonna be like "No, you need rest." Also, I'm sorry I didn't respond yesterday. I spent most of my time sleeping in the day, and then working on an essay during the night.)
"Mordeachai…that's a nice name. Well nice to meet you, Mori." She responded with a smile. She let out a small gasp and offered Mori a sad smile. She stood up from her seat and walked to the door leading out of the living room. "I'll be right back. Lemme go get you that blanket." It didn't take her long to get a soft blanket out of storage. She returned to Mori and handed it to him. "I assume you're hungry? Well, you must be. You can't exactly be not hungry when you we're out there for so long." She paused and smiled awkwardly at him. "I'm sorry. I-I can make you some food if you want."
(Lmao yeah. And np ^^)
Mori huddled up in the blanket when it was given to him, still shivering a bit, but glad to at least be more comfortable. He closed his eyes for a moment, but opened them when he was addressed again, flushing lightly.
"Ah yeah… um… it's been a few days since I've eaten anything substantial. I've mostly been eating berries and stuff I find. Not poisonous ones, of course… I can tell the difference. My traps for animals keep breaking, too, so I haven't been very successful with that…" He sighed softly and closed his eyes again.
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