"Alright." Scipio took a slice of pizza and began eating it. He was fully awake now from the nightmare.
"Alright." Scipio took a slice of pizza and began eating it. He was fully awake now from the nightmare.
Lucifer set his chin on the other's head as he ate his pizza, humming softly. He crossed his legs around Scipio's hips, keeping him in a protective Lucifer hold.
Scipio finished his pizza and just leaned back against Lucifer, sighing softly.
Lucifer also finished his, wiping his hands off on a napkin and grabbing a bit of juice to drink, also handing Scipio some.
"What do you wanna do today?"
Scipio sipped the juice, thinking for a moment. "Dunno… what all do you have to do down here? I haven't seen much other than the hot springs and here.
"Hm well, you could help me look for a pet. I was supposed to go today," He said thoughtfully. "But I'd have to take you outside…"
"What's wrong with taking me outside?" Scipio asked curiously. "If you allow me, I'm probably allowed to go just about anywhere, right?"
"Yes you will, but you might go off and do bad things. There's a reason you're not out there," Lucifer told him with a sigh.
"As long as I don't have any weapons and you keep an eye on me, I'd be fine. I also do have self control." He laughed a bit. "I won't kill anyone if you really don't want me to."
"Yeah, please don't, because The Sanctions will force me to kill you in a very painful manner in punishment," He murmured back without a laugh.
Scipio sighed. "Fiiiine. No murder spree today. Now c'mon, let's go do whatever you were talking about earlier." He reluctantly moved away from Lucifer so he could stand.
Lucifer stood and put on a t-shirt and pants, huffing at him. "We're gonna go look at pets." He put his shoes on and walked out.
Scipio trotted after Lucifer to keep up with the other's quick pace. Well, for Lucifer it was probably normal, but Scipio's legs were a good but shorter.
Lucifer glanced back and matched his pace with Scipio's which was significantly shorter than what he expected. But he dealt with it, opening the doors to the outside and inviting him to go first.
Scipio walked outside and looked around. He was intrigued, as he'd never been to this part of hell before.
Lucifer's house had a nice garden and fence in front of it. He led Scipio through the gates and to a bustling city right at the end of a large flight of steps. Many Demons were milling around and happily speaking to each other in a strange, hissy language. Lucifer grabbed Scipio's arm and walked beside him, looking up over the crowd and occasionally giving a greeting to people who wanted it.
Scipio checked to make sure he didn't have any weapons. He found a small knife he must've subconsciously picked up on the way out and handed it to Lucifer. "Just in case."
Lucifer took it and evaluated it. "I thought I took this from you? All well." He pocketed it and looked around. "The store's over this way." He pointed and started walking in that direction.
"Alrighty." Scipio hummed quietly as they walked, letting Lucifer just hold onto his arm to keep him from running off like a child.
Lucifer couldn't help being nervous. He didn't want Scipio acting on impulse or something and forcing him to kill the human. It would be sad and very stupid on his part.
"Relax, Lucy. I already told you I wouldn't go on a murder spree." Scipio noticed Lucifer's nervousness, although it was warranted.
"I will not relax until I'm sure you won't kill anyone. I apologize." He pulled him along and stopped in front of a giant store with weird symbols where the logo would usually be.
Scipio shrugged and let Lucifer drag him into the store, glancing around curiously once they were inside.
There were animals of many sizes and shapes, meowing and growling and hissing. There were giant fish, large cats, huge rodents of many squeaks and yowling wolves. It was all mostly in the front with the care stuff in the back. Lucifer "ooh"ed softly at a giant guinea pig, who leaned down to sniff his hair.
"So what kind of pet are you looking for, Lucy?" Scipio tried to explore the shop, but Lucifer hadn't let go of his arm.
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