forum Pretending Hearts (O/O CLOSED)
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Deleted user

Arvil nodded. “All right. Do you want more ice cream, or is that enough for you?”

Deleted user

Arvil merely hummed. When their ice cream finished, he stood up and stretched a little.

“We should probably get your car now,” he said. “We don’t want anything happening to it.”

Deleted user

“Anytime,” Arvil returned her smile with one of his own.

Deleted user


Arvil all but stormed out of the conference room, his jaw clenched. He ran a hand through his hair, blatantly ignoring his secretary as he walked.

Of course. Of course they’d rejected his ideas. Of course they deemed them as a waste of money and his ideas as those of a child’s. It was his work that was keeping the company running. It was his brains. If it wasn’t for him, this company wouldn’t have lasted that long. Yet they have the audacity to call his ideas waste of time?

Arvil slammed the door open to his office, the scowl on his face melting when he took in the woman perched up on his desk. He blinked. Daisy. What was she doing here?

@Imperfect_Autumn group

A few minutes earlier:

Daisy had stepped into the building Arvil’s business was in and was starting up the stairs when a man approached her. She blinked at him, a silent question of, “Yes?”

He cleared his throat, arms crossed over his chest nervously. “I was told to let you know that Mr. Davis is currently in a meeting,” he started. “But that he will join you in his office when he is finished if you arrive before then.”

“All right. Thank you,” Daisy said with a nod, and he walked away. She made her way up and, as she expected from what the employee had said, entered an empty room. So she shrugged, shut the door behind herself, and sat down on his desk, fiddling with the things there.

And that’s how Arvil found her not long after. They blinked at each other, obviously surprised, though probably at different things.

Deleted user

Arvil shook his head and stepped inside, looking back at his fake fiancée as he shut the door behind him.

“You’re here,” his eyes raked her over and he bit back a sigh. Why did she have to dress like that today of all days? She looked beautiful, especially as she was perched up on his desk, looking at him like that. “I wasn’t expecting you. Were you waiting for long?”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy shook her head, leaning back a little. “No, it was only a few minutes.” She paused as she watched him for a moment, tilting her head as she asked, “Everything all right?”

Deleted user

Arvil ran a hand through his hair, sighing as he walked over to his shelf.

“Yeah. Just peachy,” he muttered half-heartedly, taking out a blue file and flipping through it. Where was it, his plan for the next project? He swore he’d kept it somewhere in these files…

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy fell silent, simply watching him move around. He didn’t seem fine… And that worried her. He would normally make jokes, flirt with her, get her to smile with his goofiness.

Deleted user

Arvil slapped it shut, releasing another sigh and putting the file away before he got out another one, though it was much smaller. When that came empty, he turned around to one of the drawers near it, bending down to open it. He made sure to keep his eyes away from Daisy. He couldn’t guarantee he could hold himself back.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Someone said that you were in a meeting, and that you would be along soon after it was finished,” Daisy murmured. She chewed on her lip before tentatively asking, “How’d it go?”

Deleted user

Arvil found himself looking up at her due to her question, regretting the decision once he saw how she was biting her lip. He shook his head before opening the drawer, looking through it before closing it again.

“It was fine,” he answered, opening another one and looking through that as well.

Deleted user

When she fell silent, Arvil looked up. She was still chewing on her goddamn lip. Didn’t she know better? She was dressed like that, sitting on his desk and biting her lip provocatively. She must have known his attraction for her. After all, he’d nearly kissed her once, and had said he wouldn’t mind kissing her at all.

“Stop that,” he narrowed his eyes, standing up after shutting the drawer. He still couldn’t find that damn plan…

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“Stop? Stop… what? This?” Daisy asked, brows furrowing before she bit down on her lip again. She wasn’t trying to provoke him, not really, but she should have realized what she was doing to him because…

Deleted user

Arvil let out a low growl, narrowing his eyes as he took slow steps toward her.

“Daisy…” he started slowly. “I’m in a rather troubled mood right now, and I might end up doing something you won’t like.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy’s lips parted in surprise, and she blinked up at him. Why did it bother him so much? She was just biting her lip… “Would you?” she breathed.

Deleted user

Arvil stopped in front of her, leaning slightly forward, pressing his hands on the desk on either side of her. His eyes darkened slightly. “Yes, so stop.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy nodded, her eyes widened ever-so-slightly as she looked up at him. She didn’t bite her lip again, but… They were dry, so she swept her tongue over them, wetting them.

Deleted user

Arvil’s eyes flashed as they flickered to her lips, following the movement of her tongue as it trailed across her lips. He growled, leaned forward and firmly pressed their lips together.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Daisy gasped slightly as their lips met, shock rippling through her. She didn’t even realize as she leaned into him, into the kiss, thinking, I should have known what he meant…

Deleted user

At first, Arvil couldn’t believe it. Was she leaning into him? Was she not going to push him away? Whatever it was, Arvil wasn’t going to complain. He cupped her cheek with one hand while the other rested on her waist, pulling her closer to him as his mouth moved against hers. Would she kiss him back? Or would she now push him away? Arvil hoped it would be the former.