forum Preavit rp
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people_alt 54 followers

Deleted user

“girl did you hear me? im a serbian the strongest creature to ever exist. you cant.”

Deleted user

“not a girl im Albanian theres a DIFFERENCE. are you daft. no wonder you serbains went extinct. also no i never miss a shot” i load my rifle and shoot it

Deleted user

“girl did you hear me? im a serbian the strongest creature to ever exist. you cant.”

“your a serb? i thot you were boobnian so what does that make me”

Deleted user

i used my albanian powers to predict the future and realize my misstke. because of the intoxicating air of the swamp we were slowly beiginning to lose our mind. ihad to do somethint.

“your dead” the bullet spins around and hits hjm

Deleted user

“ouch” brain splatters all over the tree and i fall over dead

Deleted user

i revivr myself using special serbian magic “hehe so you thought i eas dead ihh”

Deleted user

“no thats impossible” i say then add “i had another weapon that wont miss…………words”

Deleted user

“Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zoned sylvester stallone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass tf up”

Deleted user

“oh it actually missed well uh” i say “thats all of my plans. What do we do notw”

Deleted user

“you have no choice but to bring me with you because of forced plot progession. also lets get out of this swamp i think i just saw lee harvey oswald over there”

Deleted user

“well okay” i said “wait what do you mean lee harvey oswald is in the swamp with us”

Deleted user

“lee harvey oswald is the apex predator in these swamps. but yes lets get going” dug says, scooping up the albanian and the unseen serbian in his arms and taking them away

Deleted user

the weather is now cleared because of my serbian magic powers i use to instantly clear away the fog