forum Picture Perfect // One-On-One // CLOSED // PRETTY GAY
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"If you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you," Damian smiled as they walked out of class and towards their next one, which they also shared. "Just ask, OK. I'm not gonna say no."

Deleted user

"No, not really. School work is way more important than any sports. I would much rather have good grades than a life in sport. And I'm happy to help you."

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"Of course I'm sure, I wouldn't say it if I wasn't, Eli. Don't ever think that you're not important. Even if we break up I'll still be there for you."

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Damian smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Yes, very sad. But I don't think that will happen. And I hope you don't either."

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Damian just shook his head, the smile not leaving his face. This was what he loved about Eli. "God, tonight can't come soon enough."

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"I don't want to go to sport though, Eli. I might be big and bulky but I don't always like it." He sighed, knowing he didn't have a choice anyway. "But you don't care, do you? You have your own stuff to worry about."

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Damian grinned. "I know. I just wanted you to know how dumb you sound when you say that I don't care about you, Eli. Very, very dumb."

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"I know you're not. But you are when you say stuff like that. Do you hear yourself? It's so dumb. I'm not even kidding."

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"I'm not trying to make fun of you," Damian pouted, feeling bad. "I just wanted you to know. And to be fair, I'm kinda dumb too."


"It's fine, Damian, I know you meant well," He offered a small smile, "I know how I think is stupid, but I can't stop it, it's been like this for a while."

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They reached Damian's next class, and he had to break off from Eli. "See you after school?"

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English. Damian was not excited. He'd put his assignment off until the last minute and only just managed to finish it in maths. Thank god for him being quick at maths.


Luckily for Eli, he had art next. The one class he was excelling at currently. He was working on a project that had been long and tedious but he was nearly done and was very proud of the work he'd done.

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Damian sat down, hoping that they would be given a little bit of extra time.
"You have five minutes to keep working and then turn in your assignment. I will mark the roll while you do so."


Eli had his music in and was having a pretty great time in his class. The piece was coming on nicely and he was very happy about it.

Deleted user

Damian took a few deep breaths, calming himself down. It was fine if he failed. He had other subjects to fall back on. He didn't need to worry.