"Damian!" The smaller small squeaked, immediately taking a step closer without even realising, "Damian you… you can't just let him do that! That's so messed up I'm so sorry… Are you sure you're okay?"
"Damian!" The smaller small squeaked, immediately taking a step closer without even realising, "Damian you… you can't just let him do that! That's so messed up I'm so sorry… Are you sure you're okay?"
The tall jock flinched slightly, despite being a good 20ish centimeters taller. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm used to it. I've taken 13 years worth of beltings and beatings. But I'd rather he attack me than my mum or Becky. They might not treat me much better but they're still my family."
Eli noticed the flinch and immediately retracted his step, crossing his arms over his stomach, “That doesn’t mean it’s right… it’s far from right you… you should go to the police.”
"The police? What are the police going to do about it, Eli? My dad's more powerful than them. If I told them what was really going on, they would obviously go to him. And he's so good at hiding secrets that he'll say I'm just trying to cause a scene. I can't win, so I don't try."
"There's got to be something you can do. Surely there's someone in this stupid own who'd be able to help you. Someone who- who is able to expose your dad for doing this? You can't just give up, I hate seeing you hurt.."
"Eli, I gave up years ago. I even tried getting someone to help me before I did and they were too scared of my dad." He grabbed his book our of his locker and then closed it. "There's nothing anyone can do."
Eli sighed, looking down at his feet and rocking back on his heels, "There has to be something…" He mumbled, though it was more to himself then anyone else, "I'm sorry. I know you probably don't wanna talk about it."
Damian's silence agreed with Eli's statement. He'd given up way too long ago to be convinced into talking about it. Damian was just glad that Eli actually understood his feelings, at least even a little.
The bell rang not a moment later, causing Eli to sigh. Why did school have to cut short the time he got to spend with Damian? "I'll um.. see you later then.. if you want."
"Of course I'll want to see you later, Eli. You're my boyfriend. Why would I not want to see you? Just because it's a secret doesn't mean that I can't hang out with you." He gave a small smile towards the shorter boy, and it was sincere.
(May I stalk?)
He blushed, looking down at his feet to try and hide it at least a little with no avail, "I mean, you have loads of other people you could hang out with, most of them more important then me so I'm just saying if you didn't then I get it."
(i guess, can't stop you)
"You know for a fact that I don't really have anyone else to hang out with, none more important than you. God if we weren't at school right now I would seriously kiss you."
“D-Damian you can’t just say stuff like that. Like yeah sure I wouldn’t mind if you did but what if someone hears? We could get in trouble.”
Damian took a deep breath, cracking his neck a little. "OK. OK, OK. But I'll see you this afternoon. Stop telling yourself there are people more important than you, though."
“Been thinking it for a while now, I don’t think I’m going to stop anytime soon.” Eli sighed softly, listening to the loud ringing bell echo through the halls, “I’ll see you later then.”
Damian watched as Eli walked off, leaning against his locker. He hated Easthallow so much and wanted to get out of it, but he didn't know how. He wasn't accepted here, and neither was Eli.
School couldn’t have gone longer. It felt like time had slowed and Eli hated it. He wanted to get out of school, he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend without the fear of being judged and shamed. Yet apparently they couldn’t happen.
Damian sat in the back of his classes, writing his own stuff. Teachers rarely called on him and it was easy for him to retain information, even if he wasn't really paying attention.
Eli had never been one to focus well, tending to day dream more often then not. It was something he didn't know how to stop but he didn't mind, even if it meant he failed. School was one thing he dreaded.
Damian couldn't help but draw Eli in the margins of his book. He rarely draw more than an eye and his nose. Occasionally, he would draw half of Eli's face, but it was never enough to distinguish the drawing as him.
Eli's mind wandered to Damian during his classes. It was hard not too when all you want to be is be with and see your boyfriend. But the couldn't even do that since apparently people didn't think anything different then the norm.
Damian smiled as he drew, something that his teacher spotted. "Do you have something to share with us, Mr Lunar?"
Damian glanced up, his eyes glowing a soft red. "No, sir."
"Very well. Carry on."
Luckily, Eli passed his class with no mishaps, no one calling on him even though it felt like they were going to a few times. He tried his best to concentrate, but he had little luck on that front.
The bell rang, a sign that it was time for lunch. Damian packed up his stuff and left, heading to Becky's locker instead of his own. He always took it upon himself to check his 16-year-old sister's locker, as it was often her go-to hiding spot for drugs.
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