forum Pheasant Brook (O/O with Icarus!)
Started by @GoblinKing

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Connor stayed in that position for a few minutes, then jumped a little, realizing he had gotten sucked into the book and it was rather rude of him. He looked around and found Wilhelm again, walking over to him. "Hey." he said. "Sorry, that was rude of meh. Ah did nae mean to get sucked into th' book li' tha'."


Wilhelm seemed to be lost in thought, his legs crossed and the tip of his thumb pressed against his top teeth. “Huh? Oh- it’s okay, I don’t mind. You can check it out if you want, you know. If you don’t mind me asking, what book is it?”


Connor blinked, and checked. "Oh. It's called Huntingtower. I's by a Scottish author, John Buchan." he replied with a quick smile. "Ah've read it b'fore, and it's pretty good."


“I’ll have to check it out sometime, then.” Wilhelm stood, lacing his fingers together behind his head. “Should we crack on with the tour, then? If you’re going to check that book out, now’d be the time, I suppose.”


Connor nodded a little, and adjusted the sweater, which was starting to fall off his shoulder. "Alright." he replied with a smile. "Uhm…how do I check it out?" he asked.


“If you need to, you can always wash that sweater in cold water to shrink it up enough to fit.” Wilhelm glanced at Connor’s shoulder. “Checking out.. yeah, that would be over here, at the circulation desk. Just tell her your first and last name.”


Connor blinked. "Ah wouldn't want ta do that to yer sweater." he replied, glancing up at Wilhelm. "'t i'n't mine ta do that with." he nodded, and started heading towards the circulation desk.


“You can keep it. I’ve got others just like it, and it’s too cold now for you to not have one.” Wilhelm nodded politely to the librarian, keeping his voice low.


Connor smiled a little, turning away from Wilhelm to hide the faint blush that had crept over his cheeks at the German boy's words. "Ah have m' own sweaters somewhere." he replied. "Ah really dinnae need ta steal yers." he gave his name to the librarian at the counter, checking out the book.


“If you’re sure.” Wilhelm rocked on his heels slightly, fluffing up his hair. “I’m trying to think of what else there is to see.. and the only thing that I can think of is the school garden..”


“Oh, of course. Right this way, then.” Wilhelm began to walk out of the library, leading Connor outside of the back doors. The garden was eye catching and stunning, full of flowers. Pansies and cyclamen, hellebore and snowdrops lined the winding cobblestone pathway through the garden. Large trees, presumably hundreds of years old, stood like sentinels in the flower beds, their bare limbs well-pruned and knotted.

“They switch out the plants every season. For winter we have Japanese Andromeda shrubs- these are the Brouwer’s Beauty variety- it’s an evergreen, so we have it year-round, but I think it looks especially nice right now, doesn’t it? With all of the winter-blooming flowers, I mean.” Wilhelm was crouched by the white shrub, gently taking a few of the plant’s flowers in his fingers and inspecting them. “Come closer, look.”


Connor smiled, following Wilhelm with the book tucked in his pocket. He crouched down beside Wilhelm, looking at the flower. "Ah think ah need to come back with m' sketchbook." he remarked as he looked at the flower.


“You really should. Let me tell you- in the springtime, this place is gorgeous. It’s beautiful now, but the spring is really a breathtaking time for this place.” Wilhelm’s eyes lit up at the sight of the plants. He was, and always would be, a botanist at heart, even if it wasn’t exactly in his father’s plans for his life. “These little flowers here? These are English Primrose. Not a lot of primrose grow in winter, but these do. These and the Chinese… no, I don’t think they have those growing right now.”


Connor glanced over at Wilhelm. God, he's handsome…but Jamie. He reminded himself. Jamie, short for James. His lover that he had left back home. But of late, he and Jamie had been growing apart, less and less close. So…he let out a soft sigh. "I bet the' are." he replied softly. "It sounds lovely."


"It is. It should be growing soon enough, though! Just a few more months and we should have flowers like hyacinths- they have those every year- more primrose, and with luck, the crimson and gold shrub should be flowering. It's against that brick wall there, the one blocking the garden off from the rest of the school." Wilhelm pointed to the deep red brick, where an unflowered plant crept along the walls. "I'm really looking forward to it."


(I gtg to bed now/soon. Good night!)

Connor smiled a little as he listened to Wilhelm. "Ah can tell you are." he replied. "And ah think ah am too. If nothin' else, it'll be a beauty ta paint."



Wilhelm stood, dusting off his trousers and his hands. "I'd love to see what you do with it if you do end up painting the place. Do you want to keep walking?" The German boy clearly did, although he didn't want to show it too much. Wilhelm had assisted with planting everything that season, and had bruises and scrapes on his arms from the tools to prove it. "I mean, I know it's cold right now, so we can go in if you want."


"Right this way, then!" Wilhelm was about to reflexively lead Connor by placing a hand on his back or shoulder, like he did with his other friends, but he had noticed Connor's reaction the previous time before and decided against the physical contact. After all, he barely knew Connor.. even if he felt like he'd known him forever- or more than a day, at least.


Connor nodded a little, and followed Wilhelm through the gardens again, looking around with a soft smile on his face. He shifted a little, and adjusted the sweater again, which kept threatening to fall off of his thin shoulders.


“See this right here? This, my friend, is reindeer moss. It doesn’t die in the winter, but it doesn’t release spores or anything.” Wilhelm pointed to a large and mossy boulder, reaching over to pat the spongy surface. “It’s soft, feel.” He almost reached for Connor’s hand, and his hand even moved slightly- maybe a quarter of an inch- towards him, but he stopped himself and played it off as if he were just knocking a bug off of his leg.


“Isn’t it? Just imagine it in the spring and summer.” Wilhelm stood again, ruffling up his hair and continuing to walk. “I’m hoping I get to plan the next garden. They don’t let students do it half the time, but I think I’ve got the garden staff to like me enough, you know?”


Connor stood, letting out the soft chuckle. "I think yeh've got a good shot." he replied. "Ah mean…you really do like the place, ah can tell tha' much."