@Elliott-isnt-dead! group
"Great then!" Cal said with an adorable smile. He just hoped that his dads wouldn't try and embarrass him when Finn came over. Welp..
"Great then!" Cal said with an adorable smile. He just hoped that his dads wouldn't try and embarrass him when Finn came over. Welp..
"good I'll see you then," Finn said taking out his football bag and closing his locker. "Here let me give you my number." He wrote something down on a sticky note and gave it to Cal.
Cal blushed slightly and took the sticky note, putting it in his pocket. "Thanks, i'll make sure to text you later with it." He said softly.
Finn nodded and waved goodbye. "I got to go but like i said see you then," He said before turning around and walking away.
Cal waved back and smiled. "Bye." He's cute….oh stop that he's straight! He won't like you like that! His thoughts ran through his head as he left.
Finn walked away trying not to think too much. He just wants to be his friend. but he’s so cute.. No he couldn’t think like that until he’s 18 and has custody of Poppy.
Making his way home, Cal walked into the living room and immediately threw himself onto the couch. Ughhh today was terrible….well not to terrible… He blushed slightly.
Finn went to practice. He crunched his phone tight waiting for Cal to text him.
Taking a moment to think about what happened today, Cal remembered that he was going to text Finn.
"Hey its Cal." He texted hoping to wasn't to weird.
Finn didn’t see the text until after practice. “Hey!” He texted back before adding Cal’s number to his contacts.
"How was practice?" He texted back with a small smile. Adding Finn to his contacts, he hoped nothing turned awkward before tomorrow.
“It was fun!” He texts back. Immediately regretting the explanation point and well the whole sentence. “How’s the rest of your day been?” He may or may not have had typed 3 different messages before deciding on these.
Cal read the message and giggled at his response. He didn't expect Finn to be so adorable. "Oh that's good!" He almost felt embarrassed after sending it. "Well besides what happened earlier it' s been good haha, how about you?"
"It's been good so far. I have to pick up my sister before going home though," Finn texts back.
"Aww I wish I had a sister." Cal replied back, smiling.
Finn took a while to respond. Not seeing the text until he was putting poppy in her car seat. He took a selfie with her as she sticks her tongue out at the camera. “She says hi” he texts.
Cal had fallen asleep in the long while it took Finn to respond. He jolted awake surprised when he had heard the notification the Finn had texted him. "Aww, adorable. Tell her I say hi back :)" he responded while yawning.
Finn chuckled before sitting in the front seat. “Will do! So what time do you want to meet up tomorrow?”
Taking a moment to think, Cal nodded to himself and texted him back. "Does 1:00 work for you?? I'm free from then on the rest of the day if you want a different time. ^^"
“1 sounds great!” He texts before starting to drive. Poppy told him stories about her day at school until they made it home.
"Great then!" He replied. Yawning once more he layed back down on the couch not even bothering to go to his room to sleep. Today had exhausted him.
(Time skip?)
"I'm heading over now," Finn texted Cal at around 12:30. He felt bad leaving Poppy with his aunt but he new shed just dump her on her assistant who was nice and would take good care of her.
"Okay! Cya in a few!" Cal responded back. He had actually just woken up moments before this and quickly threw on a pink pastel sweater and shorts on after seeing the text. His dads question his hurriedness but he didn't want to tell them in case they thought the wrong thing. Let's hope they act cool…
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