forum Pastel boy loves a Jock
Started by @Elliott-isnt-dead! group

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@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

"Pfft what are you gonna do? Help the gay boy? He's just some (insert that one offensive word here)." Ethan answered unthreatened. Cal just stood there with tears forming in his eyes, but he didn't move, he was to afraid.


Finn glared at Ethan. "So what are you. A boy shoving another guy up against the lockers? Getting in his personal space? That sounds kinda gay dude," He says tilting his head slightly.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Ethan looked between Finn then back at Cal and shoved Cal down to the ground with disgust. "Funny joke loser, but if you excuse me, I have a beating id like to get to. Ethan turned around and punched Cal without even looking back.


The bell rang making him officially late for is next class. Hopefully he can get a pass from the nurs. "Can you like walk ok?" He asked.


Finn saw the boys red face but assumed it was from getting beat up or embarrassment. once in the nurses office he sat Cal down on a chair. "You good?" He asked. the nurse was talking to a different student.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

"Y-yeah I think so." Cal stuttered out. He felt embarrassed that he had stuttered out but he couldn't help it. Hoping the nurse would interrupt so he wouldn't feel anymore flustered, he looked down at his bruises. Dang it.


the nurse sighed but nodded. Finn shook his head. “But this is serious. He could have really hurt you,” he said “he can’t just get away with it!”

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Looking at Finn surprised, Cal slightly blushed. "It's no use, he usually gets away with it anyways. I'm fine, i'm used to being treated like that by now." A small but almost sad smile rested on his lips.


Finn shook his head. “I bet I could get him expelled or at least suspended,” Finn said now smirking. “He won’t mess with you again.”

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Cal was now blushing madly, you'd have to be blind not to notice it. "W-why would you do that for me? You heard him back there, i'm just some g-gay boy." Cal was always open about his sexuality, which was why people always made fun of him for being gay.