“So why’d you come back?” He asked, looking forwards and watching the sky
“So why’d you come back?” He asked, looking forwards and watching the sky
"To give you a slinky."
“And?” He drawled. “You could have had ice cream anywhere else. Why here?”
"Nice view."
Brink laughed bitterly and shook his head. He played with the slinky, seemingly to calm him down
Vitalis finished their ice cream and put the cup on their head before laying across Brink's lap.
“Comfortable?” Brink asked with an arched eyebrow, resting the slinky on Vitalis’s chest and running a hand through his own hair. “Accident prone.” He muttered teasingly
"Actually yeah, kinda. Psychopath." Vitalis mumbled the last part quietly.
Brink grinned “I am.” He booped Vitalis nose and patted his hair
Vitalis smiled then sighed looking at the sky.
“So are there any other mythical creatures in the world or are there just Griffins?” He asked, checking his shoulder as he felt something wet and warm on his shoulder, causing his shirt to cling uncomfortably to his skin
"Eh, maybe dragons." Vitalis suggested. "Something wrong?" He asked when he saw brink looking back.
“I think I might be bleeding….” he pressed a hand to his shoulder and brought it back to see that there was blood on his hand
"Hmmm, that's a problem." Vitalis said and sat up.
Brink started to breath hard at the sight of his own blood "uhm, how bad is it?" he asked, voice shaky
(Why am I in this?)
Vitalis moved and sat behind him, "Well, want me to be honest or not?"
(Why am I in this?)
(Never mind. Forget I said anything.)
(um ok?)
"do both just for some interest." he said with a shrug, causing him to flinch
"Well, lie is… you're perfectly fine, there's no blood. Truth is, your back is soaked. there is a gash on your back and you're bleeding a lot."
"oh…..great! so like a cat scratch that bleeds a lot or a larger one?" he asked, swaying slightly and laughing as he saw his vision blacken at the edges.
Vitalis nodded then put a hand on Brinks back and shoulder, putting pressure on the wound.
Brink yelped out in pain and tried to move away from Vitalis "Vi that hurts!"
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