forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

"No," Luna laughed wryly. "But I owe it to you." Her eyes fluttered close when he touched where he'd marked her. "It's alright, Silva. It's something I can remember you by."

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"saul, you can call me saul" he said softy, he turned to grab his things. he was still packing for his leave

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saul sighed, grabbing a shirt for later, hed change into more comfortable clothes once they left.

@emilyevewrites group

Luna left and went to knock on Farah's door. The mind fairy had just gotten out of the shower, and not knowing how urgent it was, wrapped a towel around herself and answered the door. Seeing Luna, she quickly slammed it shut again. "Damn it, Luna!" Farah called. "I thought it was an emergency."

@emilyevewrites group

"Farah, I need to talk to you!" Luna pleaded.

"Go talk to Saul!" Farah snapped back, searching through her drawer for a clean bra. She found one, slipped it on, and clasped it together. "Since you know him so well."

Luna winced. "Look, Farah, I'm sorry about what happened."

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sau knocked. " i know you better" he said softly
he took a deep breath, steeling his voice " one you love thunderstorms. why i will never know because they scare me, two you hate crowds. always have. three you won't let anyone else make your tea because you do it a very specific way. four you dont let your hair down around others because you see it as a vulnerable act. five, your biggest fear is that everyone who loves you only loves you for your powers/magic or your beauty and never for yourself. but i do, i love you for all of you, your personality, you laugh, your mood swings. evreything…"

@emilyevewrites group

Luna pretended it didn't hurt as Saul listed off the things he loved about Farah. She reached out to touch his hand gently before walking away, the sound of her heels echoing in the hallway.

Farah froze. Slowly she went to the door and opened it. Standing there, with her hair down and still wet while only wearing a bra and a thin slip, she looked as vulnerable as she felt. "Saul…" she whispered, her eyes shining with held-back tears.

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saul sighed " im sorry okay?" he said softly, he opened his arms for a hug.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah hated herself for hesitating. While she loved him more than anything, he'd hurt her more than anything. Slowly, she stepped into his arms and rested her forehead on his chest, right at his heart.

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sauls heart was beating steaily. " i know.. i know it will take time but i wanna make this right. "

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saul laughed softly " got to used to sleeping with me?" he joked, picking farah up and walking into her room.

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" i kissed her, and the first time she kept trying to get in my pants an i told her i'd fuck her world up. when she kept it up i bit her neck hard. that it.."

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" of course not! i dont think i could even get it up for her." he said a bit flushed