forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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".." Saul didn't dare raise his head from the floor level. "I'm so sorry. I understand if your not wanting to stay. You can leave if you wanna.."

@emilyevewrites group

Farah turned quickly, blinked away the tears in her face. "You know… I would've believed you once." She side-stepped him and left without another word.

(So, Farah's going to be upset with Saul for like a day or two. They're training together and Rosalind watches them and is like "wtf guys what's happening" and Farah's like "nothing," but it's obvious they're so out of sync from their normal patterns. Then, when they go on the mission, they separate into two groups – Rosalind, Andreas, and Ben & Farah and Saul – and Farah and Saul get ambushed by several Burned Ones (only like two or three, probably three). Enough to have a blind spot for one, but Farah is overwhelmed and trying to fight them, and she's about to get cut but the Burned one and infected, but Saul comes in and saves her, and yeah)

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Saul locked his door when she left, laying in bed with the sheets that still gave her sweet sent.

@emilyevewrites group

(Oh damn, yessss. And Farah kills the Burned One who scratched him??? Maybe?)

Farah crawled into her bed and curled up in a ball. She desperately tried to keep her emotions in check, but it hurt.

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( I feel !Ike it's payback for willingly cheating) Saul eventually fell asleep

@emilyevewrites group

(Very true, very true… but she will kill it when the time comes. Not right away though.)

Farah remained awake for most of the night. When she did drift off into sleep, it was fitful and plagued with nightmares. She woke extremely early the next morning to go for a run around the Alfea grounds.

@emilyevewrites group

As Farah jogged around the campus of Alfea, it felt to her as though she had nothing to worry about other than putting on foot in front of the other to keep going. She had a very fast pace.

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saul had gone to the training field with andreas, both fighting fast. it was honestly a miracle neither of them came out with cuts.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah ran by as Andreas squared off against Saul. She didn’t look in their direction once. She just kept moving.

When there was a lull in the fight, Andreas’ eyes slipped to Farah, and he watched her with a strange expression.

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saul took the moment to whack andreas in the leg ' pay attention!"

@emilyevewrites group

Andreas' focus jerked back as Saul swept at his legs, but the motion didn't bring him down. His balance was thrown off, but he steadied it quickly and spoke, "Have you noticed there's something going on with Farah? She's been acting weird since we got back."

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" no never noticed." he didn't feel like bringing it up. he didn't even know if farah would let him be her specialist, but he understood the fight. now it was luna coming up onto the sparing mat, and silva was glaring daggers.

@emilyevewrites group

"Hello, Andreas," Luna greeted. Her eyes slid to the other Specialist with a knowing smile. "Hello, Saul." Her eyes gave him a once-over.

Farah couldn't help herself. She wanted to know if Saul had won or not. As she was jogging in the opposite direction of the training grounds, she glanced back at the spar. Anger flamed inside her suddenly as she saw Luna there, speaking with Saul and Andreas. Quickly, Farah turned her head back around and faced forward with a speedier pace, practically sprinting.

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saul ha just caught a glimps of farah coming back to them, he sighed when she turned around. " hello luna, what do you need."

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" we're leaving today." he said softly and jumped down to put his things up

@emilyevewrites group

"Oh. Well, I'll be by your room later then. To… say goodbye." She looked over at Andreas and smiled. "Bye, Andreas," she said before waltzing away, back toward Alfea.