forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Luna breathed a gasp. She prayed to anyone who would listen that Saul Silva had left a mark on her. Her thin lips pulled into a smile. "Have fun, my Specialist," she purred.

@emilyevewrites group

However, Luna continued to smile. She rose off the bed and followed him to the door. "And all I needed was for you to give in." She blew him a kiss. "Bye, Saul…" With that, the door shut.

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saul was fuming. he was pissed, overly angry, anything but happy.

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saul trained relentlessly. sweat pouring from his face and dripping down his chin

@emilyevewrites group

Eventually, Farah decided to go for a walk. She strode through the campus, and the surrounding area. As she passed by the Specialist Training Grounds, she saw a very familiar figure. With a grin and a wave, she tried to catch his eye.

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saul looked over at farah, a sudden wave a guilt hit him, what hed done with luna to just get her to leave him alone.. he ignored her and kept training

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saul eventually finished, it being to dark to train, went back to his room, locking his door.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah, in her room, heard Saul return. She popped off her bed and snuck over to his door. Going to turn the knob, she was surprised to find it locked. Quietly, she knocked on the door. "Saul?" she called. "It's Farah."

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saul sighed, getting up and unlocking the door. his eyes were a bit red and puffy.

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saul backed away from his door to let her in, shutting it afterwards

@emilyevewrites group

The second the door was shut, Farah rounded on him. "What the hell is going on with you?" she demanded. "Did I say something? Do something? Was it Luna? What happened?"

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saul froze for a moment when she said with luna. did she tell her yet. his guilt peaked

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" i- Just.. don't be mad.. " he looked to the ground. "I gave Luna what she wanted. So she'd leave me alone."

@emilyevewrites group

Farah blinked slowly. What she wanted. What Luna wanted. Farah knew what Luna wanted. She closed her eye tightly and tried to control her emotions. "You said… it wasn't her." He lied.

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" because I gave into her, so it's my fault." He said, his guilt was flooding, his worry and fear racing not far behind.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah turned her back to him. She refused to let him see how much he was hurting her. With a voice full of emotion, she asked, "It happened today? When you went to see her? And that's why you ignored me at training?"