"I wouldn't blame him though. I mean, at this point I have so many bruises you can barely see my actual skin."
"I wouldn't blame him though. I mean, at this point I have so many bruises you can barely see my actual skin."
“That is true. But really, we won’t call the paramedics unless it’s really really bad.”
"If this isn't really bad, what is? On my goddamn deathbed?"
“Yeah basically.”
"Wow, good to know it'll take a rib puncturing my lung for that."
“Well you’re the one who doesn’t want to go jeez!!” He threw his hands up in exasperation.
"I don't! But that doesn't mean I expected him to wait for something so drastic to happen for him to take action!"
“Well what do you want us to do??”
"I don't know! I don't know…" She dropped her face into her knees.
He sighed softly, wrapping his arms around the other. “It’s okay…”
"Is it? Is it okay to be so damn conflicted over whether or not you should trust your safety to someone else?"
“Well of course it’s not okay but it’s understandable.”
"Really? Because the more I hear myself talk, the more I think I'm on crazy pills."
“I used to be like that too. It’s hard to trust people again after you’ve been hurt so much but you’ll get there.”
"Will I? I'm really starting to doubt that."
“I don’t know. Remember, I’m the dumb one of this relationship.” He chuckled softly.
She giggled softly. "Yeah, that you are."
He chuckled softly, gently ruffling her hair.
"Seriously, where is he? Should I be concerned?"
“Hang on.” He stood up, literally yelling out the door. “ETHAN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU”
She couldn't help laughing. "Well, that's one way to do it!"
Jax smiled over at her, happy he’d made her laugh. “He should be hurrying up now.”
"He better! Especially after that display!"
Ethan reentered the room a few seconds later. “Did you miss me?” He asked with a small smile.
"Yes, we clearly did otherwise he wouldn't have been yelling for you to hurry it the hell up. What were you even doing?"
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