"Ethan, you don't have to. I've lived this long. I'll be fine."
"Ethan, you don't have to. I've lived this long. I'll be fine."
“I’m going to eventually. Doesn’t have to be soon.”
"That sounds expensive. You sure you wanna do that?"
“He’s literally rich, Becca. Of course he’s gonna do it.” Jax said.
"I don't know. Doesn't sound like too good of an idea to me."
“Just accept it, he’s only trying to take care of us.” Jax said with a small sigh.
"No, that's not the problem. My problem is if and when he does force me to see a doctor, the calling home and therefore my family knowing that someone else knows about the abuse and therefore can get them all in a lot of trouble. That could be an issue. For me, not you guys."
“Well then we’ll wait until you’re 18 or until we all graduate and finally get out of this place. Then they won’t contact your parents.” Ethan said.
"If I'm still alive by then." She snorted with a sarcastic smile.
“Well we only got a few more months to go. Can’t be that hard.” Jax said.
"Ehhhh, you'd be surprised. If I had my phone on me, it'd probably be exploding with messages."
“I really don’t like your family. I know that’s rude but I just…don’t.” Jax said, moving over to Ethan’s side.
"Don't worry, I don't like them either. But unlike me, you don't have to deal with them constantly."
Jax pouted, resting his head in Ethan’s chest, who happily wrapped an arm around the other.
"Let's just hope I don't die before graduation! Bruised ribs will do that to a person."
“Depends on how bad the bruising is.” Ethan replied.
"Well considering how I can no longer sleep on my sides or stomach without literally wanting to cry, I'd say it's pretty bad."
“Becca darling you’re really getting awfully close to him dragging you to the hospital, just speaking from personal experience.” Jax warned.
"I've dug my own grave Jax, there's no turning back now."
Ethan sighed softly. “Can I see them?” He asked. “Your bruises?”
She flushed a pale pink but nodded. "I guess so…" She gripped the edge of her shirt with trembling fingers, her heart hammering in her chest. She hated how her body looked and now she was about to do this? Well, here goes nothing. She pulled her shirt off and revealed the extent of her bruises.
And were they a sight to behold. Not only were they absolutely everywhere to the point where almost none of her actual skin could be seen, they were a rainbow of colors and shapes. Black, blue, green, purple, some were definitely fresher than others. Not to mention cuts and scars dotted here and there, some new and some very old. "There's more of them but these are the worst ones…"
Ethan inhaled sharply at the sight of them. It was worse than he’d thought. He nodded in acknowledgment at what Becca said, starting to think.
She pulled her shirt back on, desperate for the coverage of the body that she hated so very much as she chewed on her lip.
Ethan was muttering under his breath, listing off possibilities of things they could do to help her heal.
"Ethan. You're mumbling." She pointed out, still chewing on her lip.
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