"Anything. Family, favorite color, past relationships, I wanna hear it."
"Anything. Family, favorite color, past relationships, I wanna hear it."
He sort of rolled his eyes before talking. “Well….for family my mom’s honestly pretty chill, my dad’s a deadbeat, and we have a chihuahua who’s very capable of destroying ankles. She’s honestly more scary than our pit bull.”
"Sounds like my old dog. I'm almost 98% sure that Star could break my ribs if she jumped on me hard enough."
“Nice. But yes, one ankle destroyer and one soft giant. They get along well and that’s what’s important to me.”
"What about past relationships? Any exes I should be worried about?"
“Hm not that many…at least that are nearby” he mumbled the last part.
She was a little surprised that he wasn't throwing her questions back at her but just went with it. "So I shouldn't worry, good to know."
“Yeah let’s just go with that.” He replied. “What about you? I hardly know anything about you” he quickly changed the subject.
"Well then, ask me something. What do you want to know?"
“I don’t know…” he grumbled, thinking to himself. “I guess..what are some things you like to do? What your family’s like? Same type of stuff you asked me”
"My family is crazy. You've got my drunkard mom, my older brother who hates me, my druggie older sister, my little sister who's dead, and me. And we don't need to talk about my dad."
“Another member of the ‘my dad sucks’ squad? Perfect!” He grinned
"Yeah! Real great." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Anything else you want to know?"
“What do you do for fun?”
"Try to survive in my own home. It's not fun but it's what I do."
“Ouch. That’s why I have the ankle destroyer.”
"Mom won't allow us to get pets. Says they'll cost too much when really I think she doesn't want us to take any more money away from her wine budget."
“I just kinda brought them home and no one ever tried to stop me”
"Well you have more of a presence in your house than I do. I'm not feared, I'm the one fearing."
“Like I said my mom’s chill and I enjoy pissing my dad off so yeah”
She didn't say anything, just shrugged as she scratched a cut on her arm. She had a lot of those but only this one was visible. She could play off one, not the hundred that she had.
Of course he noticed. “Where’d you get that from hm?” He asked, pointing at the cut.
"Hmm? Oh, I was at my friend's place and her cat scratched me." Lies. But not like she was going to tell him that.
He gave her a look like ‘do I look dumb’ “probably shouldn’t mess with it then or it’ll get infected” was all he said.
She knew he saw right through her so she didn't answer. She wasn't going to explain that the cuts and bruises she had were from her brother, that the broken wrist she'd been dealing with for almost a month was because he physically snapped it.
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