Even though she was rather confused on where they were and a million different things were running through her head, she followed him up the fire escape ladder.
Even though she was rather confused on where they were and a million different things were running through her head, she followed him up the fire escape ladder.
They reached the top and he sorta skipped to the middle of the roof before declaring “This is my favorite place to go!” He smiled a bit, looking out across the horizon. “Plus, great view.” You could see a lot of the streets and shops from here, including their school.
When she finally reached the spot he was talking about, she just shrugged. "I mean, it's cool I guess." She wasn't impressed. She'd seen so many 'pretty views' in her life she'd become desensitized to them.
He did an over dramatic gasp and put a hand to his heart. “You can see pretty much everything in town from up here.” And he wasn’t wrong. You could see a lot. “You can especially see a lot at night”
"And? The only thing this town has done for me is remind me how much I hate myself." She wrapped her arms around her stomach. "Definitely not in Kansas anymore." She muttered to herself.
“Wow didn’t know towns could do that” he turned around. “Well Miss Dramatic, are you going to spill the beans on your tragic backstory or not?”
"Woah woah woah, who says I have to go first?" She raised an eyebrow at him, arms crossed. "Why should I spill when I know nothing about you?"
He gave a completely unnecessary and over dramatic sigh. “Fine. What do you want to know?” He asked, resting his chin on top of his interlocked hands.
"Why did you decide to talk to me? You and I both know I'm nothing special so that can't be the explanation."
“Several reasons. Number one-“ he began, starting to count the reasons off on his fingers. “I hadn’t seen you before and wondered what you were like. Number two, school sucks so if you were leaving I figured you might as well have company. And number three I do think you’re something special, at least you don’t act like everyone else here.”
Something special? What the hell is that supposed to mean? "O…Kay then, I don't quite understand your train of thought but whatever."
He just shrugged with a small smile. “That’s okay. Most people don’t understand my train of thought”
"Do you even understand your train of thought?"
“Sometimes I do and sometimes I have literally no idea what I just said”
"Mhm. That's what I thought."
“Ouch. That was a little rude now wasn’t it?” He said overdramatically.
"I'm a little bit of a rude person, I don't know what you want from me." She shrugged. "And who are you to call me rude when you've got your reputation."
“And what reputation would that be exactly?” He asked, looking back at her.
"Hmm, where do I start? A gang leader, troublemaker, playboy, heartbreaker…" She ticked each one off on her fingers. "What else is there?"
“Wow….I’m impressed you learned that much within what…your first hour of being here? Nice work.” He thought for a second. “Yeah for my ‘public image’ you pretty much nailed it.” He said, making quotation marks with his hands around ‘public image’
"So I'm right? Shame, you're actually kinda cute. But I'd rather not have my heart broken, thanks."
“Okay I’m not that bad. People are very dramatic.” He pouted. “Even more dramatic than me.”
"That's possible?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
“Uh huh. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said so.” He replied sassily
She just rolled her eyes. "Whatever." God, he's cute.
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