forum One on one romance OPEN
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He was completely an utterly confused how she took his smart-ass notes so seriously and actually turned it around somehow and made it sound good. He about spoke up to say thats not what he meant, but he didnt quite want her smile to fade. She reminded him of his little sister in a way.
He leaned over again and looked at the doodles of her dog and smiled. Though not noticing the fact that he did. Twirling his pen around on top of his finger as he looked across her page full of doodles galore, he didnt want to be one of those people who had no idea on personal space, as he preferred plenty for himself.
“Its really cute. My little sister doodles on her things a lot too” he says leaning away and messing with his lip ring with his tongue, obviously tired. He only got about 3-4 hours of sleep. Which is more than usual actually.


"I'm glad you like them!" Hana chirped cheerfully, too focused on scribbling down more notes to notice his smile. "What's your sister's name, if you don't mind my asking?" She asked, looking up at Min-Hyuk curiously. "Is she younger than you?"
She was glad that Min-Hyuk seemed to be in slightly better spirits than when they started, even if it only took her silly doodles to get him to relax a bit. It was always nice to see people happy instead of sad and closed off.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Seo Hyeon. Shes one year younger than me” he says looking down at her notes once again. Well, he was actually looking at her doodles, but if she asked he was going to say notes.
“She goes here actually. everyone calls her CC and she used to have crazy long hair before she cut it” he says, putting his hand a little above his shoulder to show her how long it was.
“The white haired girl” he says with a shrug, just in case she didnt know who he was talking about. “And one of the only other korean girls in this school” Min-Hyuk rolled his eyes.
He held in a breath for a few seconds, tapping his pen on the metal spiral of his notebook, mustering up the courage to say something. Or just what to say.
“Do you have any siblings?” He asked reluctantly, his hair refusing to stay out of his face


Hana nodded as Min-Hyuk explained. "I think I've seen her around before! She's very pretty!" She grinned, setting down her glittery pen. She looked up at Min-Hyuk when he asked the question. "Mhmm! I have a big brother named Haneul! He's two years older than me and he's really tall!" She grinned brightly again. "He's got black hair like me and he wears glasses sometimes. He and I bicker a lot, but it's all in good fun! We love each other, of course."
Hana started absentmindedly doodling again while she talked, now making a small drawing of a chibi person that matched the description of her older brother.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“He seems cool” he says, trying to be as friendly as possible, though right now all he wanted to do was sleep. If she weren’t all bright and happy. He was weak for the really cute type.
But he was far too tired to think about it now. So he just acted upon how he would normally act.
“How long is this class” he mumbled in between yawns before looking at the clock in front of the classroom right next to one of the teachers many many posters hung all throughout the room.
“So when’s this due again?” Min-Hyuk asked rather sleepily.

(Sorry its shorter. I’m like dozing off, but I’m not about to go to bed this early lol)


(No problem lol, it's like one am for me but that's aight)
"Um… we're in here for about ten more minutes, and the project is due in two weeks!" Hana replied, finishing up her doodle and flipping to the back of her notebook. She tore out a strip of paper and scribbled something down on it. "Here!" She handed the paper to Min-Hyuk. "My phone number so we can talk about the project outside of school! Do you wanna meet up in the library to work on it?" She asked. "Or we could go to one of our houses if you'd prefer. I don't mind!"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Its exactly 1:00 am where i am lol)

He was a bit surprised when she handed him the paper with her number on it and he immediately memorized the number, but keeping the paper just in case. He was always really good with those type of things. Especially looking at things and being able to remember them easily. The only thing he couldn’t really memorize were names. Man, he was so bad with names.
“Oh-um I’m fine with either. Just…not my house. Yours or the library is fine. Though there are plenty of places around town we could go.” He paused, trying to think about it a bit “The coffee shop, the park. Wait…you cant study at a park. Well…you can but its not ideal.” He says ramblings on and on, getting quieter as he did.


(Nice. It's two for me now lol)
"Let's just go to the library!" Hana said, still grinning brightly. "And we can go to my house at some point if you want to! Does 3:30 work for you?" She asked. "I'm free until 5:30. My parents want me home by six and it takes a little while to walk… and I like to allot some extra time just in case!"
Hana closed her notebook and put it and her pen back in her bag, humming softly to herself. She adjusted the flower that was behind her ear so that it wouldn't fall.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(We’re an hour apart XD)

“Oh…okay” he says a bit quieter than her, a little overwhelmed by her enthusiasm but he found it cute.
No, he never thought about romance. But he did think about facts. What words he would use to describe the people he met. And cute would definitely be one of the words to describe her. Along with sweet, enthusiastic, with a fluffy, candy like personality, not to mention beautiful.
He wasnt ever one to compliment anyone, but to state facts and what was on his mind….well yeah, thats definitely what he would do.
“So um” he paused, looking up from his notebook which he just stuffed in his bag “why do you keep that flower in your hair? Ive seen you around every now and again and you always have one” he says leaning his cheek on his palm as he looked at the girl.


"Hmm?" Hana looked up at Min-Hyuk when he asked the question. "Oh! I just like them! There's not really any reason behind having it other than I think they're pretty!" She smiled again and gathered her things before the bell rang. "Well, it was nice meeting you! See you at 3:30!" She hopped up and waved as she headed out of the classroom. Even her gait was flouncy and cheerful, and she seemed to always have a little bounce in her step.
She started chatting animatedly with her friends once she was out in the hallway, presumably talking about the project. "I'm excited! I'm really glad I finally got a chance to talk to Min-Hyuk!" She grinned cheerfully. "Hana, he's kind of a dick." One of her friends said. "Oh, stop that! He seems plenty nice to me!"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He stayed there for a second, thinking about the whole interaction. She was sweet and he felt bad she was paired with such a jerk. But nothing could be done so he wasn't going to say anything about it. There wasn't much of a point.
Stepping out of the classroom, giving Hana a glance and a small wave before he turned around only to run into his tall friend.
"oh hey Min-Hyuk! So, i just heard from Seo Hyeon that you lit a girls hair on fire in chemistry yesterday? What the heck Min!?" he asked ruffling his hair.
"she was flirting and it was creepy and annoying. Don't worry, she's not dead." he shrugged, not caring whether the students beside them heard


Hana didn't seem to notice, as she just kept up her animated conversation with her friends, but her friends did. All three of them were far taller than Hana and seemed to be very protective of her. Jake, a brunette guy with glasses who appeared to be at least six feet tall, shot Min-Hyuk a pointed glare. You hurt her, you answer to me.
Hana had pulled out her notebook to show her new doodles to her friends, still seeming to be in fantastic spirits. After a few more minutes of this, she hugged them and waved as she scurried off to her next class.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Oh, Min-Hyuk caught the glare the nerd threw at him, and what was his smart-ass response?
He held up his middle finger subtly and stuck out his tongue, giving him a "try me pussy" smug look before he turned back to Ryuu.
"anyway, it's fine. She just won't flirt with me again. Though my ears are still ringing from her high pitched screams" he says annoyed.
"I mean, I would scream too if my hair was on fire!" his friend exclaimed.
Soon enough they had parted ways to different classes. Min-Hyuk sat down, only to see the guy he flipped off earlier right beside him.
Oh this would be funnn


"If you touch her, you've got a world of pain coming your way." Jake muttered. "Not just us three, either. There's a lot of people you'd piss off."
Hana headed to her math class and sat down next to her friend Elisia, chatting with her until the bell rung. Elisia kept trying to warn her about Min-Hyuk, but Hana insisted that everything would be perfectly fine. He seemed like a very nice person and she was going to try her hardest to be nice to him. He didn't seem to have many friends and it made her sad. Elisia sighed and shook her head a bit, knowing that it was hopeless to keep arguing with Hana.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Min-Hyuk grinned mischievously as he leaned on his hand, looking at the kid. Not caring what his name was, what his relationship was with Hana, or what his threats were.
Why? Because he didn't care about the majority of things in life. This dude tried to so much as throw a single punch, Min-Hyuk wasn't going to have it.
Though he wasn't an idiot and he wasn't about to hurt her. Why would he? She's done nothing to him to make him want to at all and he was sure she never would.
But… Min-Hyuk being the butthead he is, he shrugged "I'll do what I want" he hummed to himself, sitting back and folding a paper football


Jake glared at him and scoffed a bit as he shook his head. "She likes you, you know. She likes everyone. You bet your ass she's going to be a perfect little angel towards you and you don't deserve a lick of kindness from anyone, especially not her. You hurt her, you're dead." He finally shut up when the teacher began talking, but he didn't cease his pointed glares towards Min-Hyuk. Jake didn't necessarily have a crush on Hana, but he knew how naive and delicate she was. She would be heartbroken if Min-Hyuk was a dick to her in pretty much any way.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"piss off you dick" he says rolling his eyes. It did annoy him quite a bit that he thought so little of him. But he didn't bother to fix it. A ton of people in this school was scared of him or hated him. Whether he's beaten them senseless, lit their hair on fire, dipped their hand in burning wax, stapled their hand, or if he didn't do anything. He wasn't afraid to do something crazy and make people scared of him. It was always a bit different when Ryuu was so friendly toward him. Everyone loving Ryuu as he was one of the sweetest people in the school, next to Hana of course.

Once he was fine with his paper football, he turned and flicked the hard peice of paper at the boy, hitting the side of his temple. But he quickly turned around and laid his head on his desk. Not for him, but in case the teacher looked Mins way. He was usually sleeping at this time, so the teacher wouldn't suspect a thing.


Jake glared at him again and tossed the paper football into the trash. Where he belongs… He sighed softly and just tried his best to pay attention.
Eventually, the class ended and everyone left the rooms. Hana was walking by herself since Elisia had to go a different way for her class. As she was trotting along one of the girls in a popular group of three held out her leg to trip Hana. Hana yelped in surprise and hit the ground hard, which made the three girls snicker cruelly.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Stepping out of the classroom, he shot Jake one last michevious glance before he left.
As he walked down the hall he stayed next to the wall so he had three sides to protect instead of four. Therefore it was safer and easier to take someone down by the wall.
Witnessing Hana falling He scowled, debating whether to go over there or not. As he was debating, his body didn't give himself much of a choice, as he quickly made his way towards Hana.
He glared at the girls "stop being such a desperate bitch" he growled before half out his hand for Hana.
"you alright?"


Hana looked up at him and flushed a bit, accepting his help. "Y-Yeah, thank you." The girls just rolled their eyes and strolled away. Hana took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, the beginnings of tears in her eyes slowly fading. "I-I don't know why they don't like me…" She said softly, looking over her shoulder to where the girls had disappeared. "I'm always nice to them, but they never change." She sighed.
Jake noticed Min-Hyuk touching Hana and headed over, scowling. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He growled at Min. "Wah! Don't hurt him, Jake! He's helping!" Hana insisted, stepping between the two boys. "The girls tripped me again and he helped me! H-He isn't doing anything wrong, Jake!" Jake still didn't seem convinced or happy, but he relented reluctantly.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"they're just jealous because you're better than them" he shrugged, scowling back at the girls as the walked away, swaying their hips an excessive amount.
When Jake came up to him all pissy. Min-Hyuk got really defensive but he didn't punch him or anything. He really wanted to though.
"chill, don't get your panties in a twist" he says raising his brow, reluctantly letting go of her hand. She probably didn't want to hold it and he wasn't the type to hold someone's hand in public. Or show affection around others.
Not that he wanted to anyway.


Jake kept glaring at Min-Hyuk for a few seconds before he walked off again. "Sorry about him…" Hana flushed embarrassed. "He's super protective of me. You're not doing anything wrong, don't worry." She bent over to pick up the things that she'd dropped and hugged them close to her chest when she had them again. "What class do you have next?" She asked curiously.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"yeah, piss off" he called to Jake as he walked away, not caring what Hana thought of him. It wouldn't be any different from the rest, and it wouldn't effect him one bit. So why not?
He bent down and handed her a few papers and a book before letting out a sigh. "well I usually skip this class. But I think it's Spanish. Which I find anything since I already know three languages" he rolled his eyes.


"I have Spanish too!" Hana grinned. "I guess I've just never seen you since you typically skip." She hummed softly to herself. "You should come! The teacher is really nice and the class isn't hard, especially if you know other languages. I can't imagine it would be difficult for you." She adjusted her grip on her things a bit. She had a lot of stuff, which was quite cumbersome for a person as little as herself.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He thought about it a little bit before he shrugged "well you're going to need someone to help you carry those to class. So I guess I will" he says with a small chuckle before taking all of her books, though handing her a pen. "here, you can carry this half, and I'll carry this half." he says before turning around and walking towards the classroom. "you comin? "