forum One-on-one roleplay anyone? ||Closed and discontinued?
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@spacebluelily language

His eyes widen, so big, that they looked like saucers. He shook his head and pinched himself in the arm, trying to see if he was asleep or awake. Once he winced, he smiled even more. “Y-You mean it?”

@spacebluelily language

(Cue make-out session.)

This time, Jackson smiled and kissed Phillips, not noticing that a certain someone who had been sleeping this whole time was now awake and looking at them with wide eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Phillips pulled away softly from this latest kiss, eyes open just barely. Of course, that was all he needed to see that Amelia was awake.
"Shouldn't… shouldn't you wait for tonight to do that, Master?" Amelia said, thinking Phillips was just horny and relieving himself with Jackson. Her old master had done it often, so that's all she really thought of when she saw people kissing.

@spacebluelily language

“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Jackson said, while looking straight at Amelia, a bit confused. Jackson knew exactly what Amelia meant, but, he wanted to see if he was hearing things or if Amelia had actually said what he had really heard.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips looked at Amelia too, sighing a little. Amelia took Jackson's question as him being upset at her.
"I-I'm sorry, I know I shoudn't have said anything," she said quickly, softly. She curled up a little, as if she was waiting to get hit.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson approached her and looked at her. “Oh, you sweet little cinnamon bun. You don’t have any reason to be sorry, on the contrary, I should be the one saying sorry for making you, well, a bit sad.” Jackson quickly hugged Amelia, smiled and looked at Phillips. “And I’ll protect this sweet little cinnamon bun with my life, because cinnamon buns like herself must be protected.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Amelia had flinched when Jackson walked over, but was surprised by the hug. Phillips had taken the wheel, keeping the boat on course.
"I will too, Amelia," he said, with a soft smile. "We'll both protect you." He motioned for them both to come over so he could hug them, seeing as he was busy steering.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson chuckled and walked over to Phillips, but stopped halfway to wait for Amelia. Once Amelia had walked over to Jackson, he continued walking, and after what seemed forever, finally reached Phillips.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips wrapped one arm around them, kissing Amelia on the forehead, and he kissed Jackson lightly on the lips. Two different kinds of love.
"We'll never hurt you," he said gently to Amelia. He smiled gently. Amelia perked up a little, relaxing slightly.
"Thank you," she said to both of them.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson smiled genuinely at both of them, happy that the both of them were so happy. Happiness was contagious, just like yawning, and Jackson could completely prove that fact. First, Jackson and Phillips were happy, and then Amelia, and then the three of them. He sighed and nodded. “We will never hurt you.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Amelia hugged Phillips and Jackson back, grinning. She thought for a moment, then pulled away.
"Can I go do something, Master?" Phillips nodded, and Amelia took off. He rewrapped his arm around Jackson, kissing him again.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson needed time to actually process what had happened, and he also needed time to get used to Phillips kissing him. Now, he was sure that if he pushed what he needed to do away or got distracted, he would never get to them. A kiss from Phillips was indeed very distracting and what he needed to do left his mind and flew straight into the nearest garbage can. Jackson looked at Phillips with a smile on his face.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips grinned when he saw the smile on Jackson's face. He stayed like that, holding Jackson close while kissing his cheek and steering the ship, for a while. Eventually, someone came to replace him, so he pulled Jackson away from the wheel.
"I can give you my full attention now," Phillips said, both arms around Jackson's waist.
"What would you like to do?"

@spacebluelily language

Jackson pursed his lips and then shrugged, not knowing what to do. He looked up at Phillips and gave him a quick kiss. “Do you have any ideas, my lovely knight in shining armor?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips grinned softly at the kiss. He still couldn't get over how amazing this was.
"We could go up to the crow's nest," he said. "Get that collar off of you. Or we could go below deck." Get those clothes off of you.

@spacebluelily language

“Hm, choices, choices, choices. I’m not good at choosing when I’m given choices.” He sighed and looked around before looking up at Phillips. “Can you choose for me? Pretty please?”