"Sometimes, yes," Phillips said with a chuckle. "Especially when you jump off the boat." He rolled his eyes a little, though, showing it was all in good humor.
"Still… there are some times when you scare me a little. I've… been meaning to ask about something. Why did you try to leave the boat, anyway? What happened?"
Jackson stayed silent and he shifted a little. He sighed and slightly tilted his head to the side. “During that time, I was mad at you, and when I’m mad, I tend to do Idiotic and foolish things.”
"Oh," Phillips said. he sighed a little. "Makes sense, I suppose. Is it… alright if I ask why you were mad at me? I want to be able to avoid it in the future."
Jackson stayed quiet, and not a single noise was heard. With one hand, he tapped his chin and with another hand, he steered the ship. “Hm. . . . Lemme think.”
"Okay then," Phillips said. "Take your time." He stayed quiet after that, keeping one hand on the wheel. He pulled the other one away, lightly putting it around Jackson's waist in a similar fashion as to the day before.
“Well, now that I’ve thought about it, and I know what I’m going to say next is gonna be unbelievable, but you gotta believe me. Know, I actually don’t quite remember. Though, I do remember you calling me something that offended me. And, I get angry easily. . So, that might have been the cause of why I was angry.“
Phillips nodded.
"I'm sorry about what I said, whatever it was. I'm gonna work to make sure something like that doesn't happen again. I… I want you to be happy, too." He looked away a little, sure Jackson could see his blush through his mask.
A blush appeared on Jackson’s checks, and it was so deep, the blush could be seen from miles away. He was absolutely dumbfounded, and it made Jackson like Phillips even more. Jackson smiled and turned his head to the direction Phillips head had turned too. “T-Thank you.” He paused and under his breath he added, “I-I also want you to be happy, Phillips.”
Phillips glanced at Jackson, entire head red now. He hesitated a moment, then took both hands off of the wheel and gave Jackson a hug.
"Then we can be happy together," he mumbled quietly into Jackson's shoulder.
(I’ve died. Yep, I’ve died.)
His blush deepened even more when Phillips gave him the hug. He sighed and smiled like crazy. “Yes, we can be happy together.” He said, while falling even more in love with Phillips. He would have to find a way to tell Phillips his feelings for him without stumbling over his words, or just being plain stupid.
Phillips mask had been pushed up by the hug, so Jackson could easily see his smile and blush.
"I… It means a lot to hear you agree to that," Phillips said. He stayed close to Jackson, leaving his arms wrapped around the other loveingly.
Jackson smiled and looked out to the ocean. Everything was really beautiful, but nothing was as beautiful as Phillips. Jackson wanted to mentally slap himself for thinking that Phillips was beautiful, but decided not to, because he knew that he would be slapping himself for no reason. Phillips was truly handsome, so handsome, that whenever Jackson was near him for to long, he started saying random things.
Phillips let out a little, happy sigh. He rested his head on Jackson's shoulder, face pressed lightly against his neck. He closed his eyes- he trusted Jackson, enough to where he'd even let Jackson steer the boat on his own. Phillips stayed wrapped up around Jackson, smiling.
“P-Phillips, I have to tell you something important, something that if I don’t tell you now, I’ll crush them down, and they’ll never resurface again. Something that might change both our lives forever. Your reaction to what I have to say, will of course change my life in a positive or negative way.”
Phillips looked up when Jackson spoke, listening quietly.
"Okay then," he said slowly. "What is it?"
“I-I. . .I think I’ve fallen in love with you.” Jackson said as he looked down at the ground. He dreaded what was going to happen next, and he sighed as he closed his eyes, waiting for Phillips response that would change his life forever.
Phillips froze for a moment. Then, he hugged Jackson tightly.
"I think I love you too," he said quietly. He blushed a little, but he didn't pull away.
(Am I seeing things, or did Phillips just hug himself tightly? You gotta love those mistakes people make when they accidentally write their characters own name.)
(GOD DANGIT Imma edit that real quick like-)
Jackson blush managed to deepen even more. Now, his whole entire face was completely red, he was completely speechless and he didn’t know what to do. He silently and internally squealed when he heard Phillips say that he loved him too.
He didn’t say he does. He only said he thinks he loves you.
Shut it, I know he loves me.
I’ll be laughing when he breaks your little heart.
Jackson sighed and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the voice in his head.
Phillips could feel a shift in Jackson, and he frowned a little. He moved to stand in front of Jackson, holding him close.
"I need to change my answer," he said quietly. He paused, then kissed Jackson.
"I know I love you," he said when he pulled away.