"Am I, though?" Scipio said quietly, tensing his muscles to force himself to stop shaking.
"Am I, though?" Scipio said quietly, tensing his muscles to force himself to stop shaking.
Bridge paused. “I…I don’t know. I hope…hope you are.”
"It… it hurts…" Scipio buried his face further into his arms. This is why you can't trust Dave…
“I know…I know it does,” Bridge soothed quietly, hesitantly wrapping his other arm around him.
"You don't know what it feels like to be tased like this…" Scipio's shaking returned as he lost the energy to keep his muscles tensed. "I hope you don't experience it."
“I…don’t know what it feels like to be…tased,” Bridge admitted. “But I do know…what the pain feels like.”
"Have you ever had electricity running through your veins?" Scipio flinched again, gritting his teeth.
Bridge thought for a moment, seriously considering. His dad might have tazed him once or twice, actually, but none that he could remember. “…No. I’m sorry.”
"Then you don't know what the pain feels like. Be glad. Nngh…" Scipio clenched his hands into fists, the pain getting worse.
Bridge kept gently petting his hair, pressing his lips together in silence.
Scipio's heart was pounding and he blinked away pained tears, glad his face was hidden. He seemed hardly aware of Bridge touching him at all.
Bridge really didn’t know what else to do except for wait. Scipio was calm, but not close to okay.
Scipio coughed a few times before glancing up to make sure Dave wasn't there. The mark on his neck had gotten more irritated and more painful than before. The blood on his hands had mostly dried, and he seemed even paler than usual.
Bridge’s hand in his hair slowed but didn’t stop, and he tilted his head at Scipio.
"H-He's gone, right…?" Scipio asked quietly, his eyes shifting in and out of focus. God dammit… he's made me feel weak again…
“Yeah…yeah, he’s gone,” Bridge told him quietly.
"Good…" Scipio hid his face again. He was clearly more than a little shaken up, which was unusual for him.
(Tfw Dave just really salts your apples)
((I snorted))
Bridge bit his lip, unsure of how to help him. “I…can I…” He trailed off.
(My apples are thoroughly salted right now)
"Can you what?" Scipio asked, his voice muffled a bit.
“…Help?” Bridge whispered cautiously.
Scipio shook his head. "I-I just have to wait it out… it's gonna suck, but what can you do?"
“I don’t know.” Bridge hung his head a little, continuing to pet him. “I…I just want you to feel okay.”
"Well, that ain't happening for a while. I have a feeling this time's going to be especially bad… He did go for the neck, after all." Scipio rubbed his neck absently.
“I’m sorry…” He murmured. “I…I shouldn’t have gone to sleep with you.”
"What does that have to do with anything?" Scipio glanced over at Bridge. "Dave would do this no matter what you've done or didn't do. He's just like that."
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