forum Oh, It's You Again // O/O // Closed
Started by @bubblegum

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"Really?" Bridge looked up, golden eyes wide. No one had ever thought he was attractive before, or at least they hadn't told him - though Bridge highly doubted the former. "You…okay. Oh."


"Have I said something wrong?" He cocked his head slightly to the side as he was prone to doing when confused.


"I suppose not." Scipio shrugged. It was a little strange how his hair still looked so good despite living in an asylum.
(Fun fact, Scipio's hair is very soft)


((Someone's going to use that fact later on))
Bridge couldn't decide which to look at: Scipio's face, his hair, or the wall behind him, still blushing a little - which was prominent against his pale skin. "And…and you protected me."


(Oh yes. I might just make it his reset button [if he's angry, pet him and he'll chill])
Scipio nodded. "Dave has no right to take you. He… he'll hurt you." He looked away, some memory coming back to him suddenly.


((heck this is sounding adorable and okay))
"He…he didn't hurt me. But…thank you." He looked back to Scipio's face again, just now noticing how finely chiseled it all was.


"I say this from experience. It's for your own good." Scipio remembered several instances where Dave had beaten him into submission.


"What if…what if he comes with more? And…and they do that again?" He asked, pulling his knees up to his chest.


"Then I'll beat their asses too. Although, Dave can only call for backup if he's conscious." Scipio smirked a bit.


"You keep saying that, but I'm not quite sure what you mean. No one has ever thank you'd me before."


"Really?" Bridge blinked, and then shook his head. "It just…just means I'm thankful for you. For protecting me."


"Oh… okay." Scipio stared at the wall, still thinking about all the things that Dave had done to him.


"Are you…are you okay?" Bridge asked, leaning forward on the bench a little. "You don't…don't look okay."


"Just… Dave." Scipio sighed. "He had no mercy on me, and he'd sure as hell have none for you."


"That's how it starts. He gains your trust and then beats you into submission." Scipio kept closing his hand into a fist.


"He made me feel weak…" Scipio muttered. "I'm not weak!" He slammed his fist on the metal bench.