@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She laughed and looked at him. "No- not necessarily." She pulled away from him. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't know."
She laughed and looked at him. "No- not necessarily." She pulled away from him. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't know."
"It's fine, not your fault, I can just clean it. You clean yours too," he handed her a washcloth that was hers while he scrubbed the back of his leg.
She cleaned herself, and laid the cloth aside. "I bet it's getting late,we should probably get out." She said laying her handbag on his shoulder.
"Yeah," he kissed her once more before getting out. He got dressed in his suit. "I'll order something for lunch today. Be careful out there alright?" he smiled before leaving and walking to his car.
She nodded as he walked away. She pulled on her under clothes, and stripped the bed of sheets.
He drove to work with a smile and half of a boner. "Shit," he banged his head against the car wheel which made a honk.
Ira had cleaned up all the sheets, and her own blood stained clothes. She did a load of laundry, and finally went to get dressed.
(We gonna time skip- or not yet?)
(which ever one you would like Mildy xp)
(I say we just skip :P)
Ira sat in their bathroom trying to cover up the ugly bruise with makeup before Raven got home. She did her best with what she had- but there was no hiding her busted lip, and gash on her cheek.
Raven was at the apartment building and decided to walk up the stairs today. It got him up to the room and he pushed the key in the hole, turning it, and then unlocking it. "Honey I'm home~! I'm going to start on dinner right away. I'm glad to see there isn't a dead man on the floor," he said started to cook.
"Alright babe-" She croaked nervously. She mentally cursed herself out when her voice cracked.
"You okay in there!" he asked washing his hands.
She panicked locking the bathroom door. "Never better!" She shouted, nervousness dripping from her tone. Her heart was pounding. Why couldn't she just calm down??
"Alright," he smiled and continued his cooking. "I'll let you know when dinner's ready!"
(What do you mean by she licked the bathroom door? XD)
She traced her lip with her thumb. "Alright babe." She half shouted. She had iced her lip but it was still swollen. She gently layered lipstick on her lip wincing a bit. She lay it aside, and pulled out concealer and padded urban on trying to make it seem normal, because if she didn't he would ask hard questions she couldn't lie about.
He finished in no time setting the table with plates of food. "Finner's ready hun," he said knocking on the bathroom door.
She slowly unlocked the door and pulled it open. "OK babe…" she whispered stepping out.
"You okay?" he asked placing his hands on Ira's cheeks.
She winced at his touch, but did her best to recover. "I'm fine." She said as calm as she could.
"Good," he smiled and pecked her lips and walking to the table.
She winced again as soon as he had turned around. making sure her lip wasn't bleeding, she gently tapped it pulling her thumb away clean. She mentally sighed and followed behind him. "So what's for dinner?"
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