forum O/O (That 'tis closeth)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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“Text me when you’re outside,” he smiled, pulling away from the parking lot and heading to work.

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Raven was looking back time over and over again, even after his meeting. Here yet? he texted.

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He smiled and came running down stairs. He got held up at the elevator because so many people had to go down to lunch and meetings on different floors.
The boys that were there yesterday came back. “So, did you come back for the fun I promised you yesterday?” One of them smirked.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She waited impatiently for Raven to come back. "No, you really are idiotic." She growled. She flashed her ring and checked her phone to see if he had texted her. She sighed turning back to the teens. "But if you need a babysitter, I know a girl. I could also hunt you for sport, it's your choice really." She said seriousness dripping from her tone.

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(Soooooo I just remembered that I had test corrections to do and I got a 67 on the test! Today was the last day I could do it, I’m fucked!)
Raven walked up behind the boy and touched his shoulder. “Sorry, boys mind moving out of the way?” He asked with a twitch in his eye.

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(Nah it’s cool I still have a B+)
“ Могу ли я поцеловать, пожалуйста?” He teased.

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"Yes, I am, one second. Boys I would it from this day on that you go no where near my fiance. Or else, bad things can happen to each an every one you. No one touches Ira except for me," he growled and then smiled. "Run along now," he got in the car and sighed.

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"I'm serious anyone touches you, text me because I am the only one allowed to do that," he chuckled and pecked Ira's lips. "Now, where are we going for lunch?"

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“I can’t wait,” he chuckled looking ahead while laced their fingers together.

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The walked into the restaurant grabbing a seat at the bar. "I'll just have the usual when you're ready to order," he smiled, putting down the menu.

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He nodded knowing what she meant. The waiter came over. "Have you decied?"
"Yes, can I have two Fiorentina Steaks and a Tequila. Want anything to drink Ira or just a water?" he turned back to Ira.