(Less? xD)
Eden's POV:
When we returned, all eyes were on us. I cleared my throat, willing myself not to get embarrassed. My dad did not like the plan.
"So," he looked at me straight in the eyes. "Had a nice moment together?"
"Dad," I narrowed my eyes. "You're hilarious, you know that, right?"
(Hunter. 😂)
Sterling’s POV:
I coughed, covering my mouth with my free hand. I willed my face not to burn, but they didn’t listen. They turned bright red, no matter how much I wanted them to stop.
McKenzie swatted at Hunter’s arm, frienjbg slightly as she reached up to murmur in his ear, “Behave… They’ll be spending the night away from each other. Maybe they just wanted one last moment together before that.”
Eden’s POV:
I stared at Sterling’s burning face, frowning. Why doesn’t he blush that like that because of me? Why is it always me?
Dad brushed off Mom’s statement with a shrug.
“Hey, can’t I just tease my daughter and her boyfriend?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Look, he’s blushing and she’s trying hard not to. It’s adorable. Did anyone take a picture?”
(Oh my gosh, Hunter~! 😂😂😂)
Sterling’s POV:
I sighed as my parents chuckled at Hunter’s words. This was torture… pure, utter torture…
“Your dad is mean, E,” I muttered under my breath so that she was the only one who could hear.
(🤣🤣 I love him!)
Eden’s POV:
I groaned.
“I hate him,” I grumbled back. “You have no idea how much he’s tortured me when I was a baby.”
Sterling's POV:
I opened my mouth to respond, but McKenzie beat me to it.
"Babe, leave the poor kids alone," she said, obviously trying to hide the small smile on her lips and the chuckle in her voice. "I think they've suffered enough, now."
Eden’s POV:
Dad laughed, wrapping an arm around Mom’s shoulders and giving her a light kiss on the side of her head.
“All right, I will,” he chuckled. “You’ve told me to, so I’ll stop for now.”
For now. Of course. Of course my father would say that. I shot him a glare. He responded with a grin.
Sterling's POV:
"Thank you, McKenzie. You're a lifesaver," I half-joked with a small, still slightly flustered grin.
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and returned the smile. "Any time, Sterling. My husband can be a bit of a pain, sometimes. You should have seen the man in college. Such a flirt. Girls didn't stand a chance against him."
Eden’s POV:
I snorted.
“Must be why he’s so annoying,” I muttered under my breath as dad laughed.
“You still don’t stand a chance against me,” dad said cheekily, hugging mom tightly. “She loves this flirt.”
“Ugh, you complain about Sterling and I, but you constantly flirt with mom in front of us,” I scowled. “How is that fair?”
Dad shrugged, choosing not to respond. I sighed again.
Sterling's POV:
"Anyway," McKenzie started after playfully shoving Hunter's shoulder. "What do you all say we sit down and catch up a little? Maybe play a game?"
I glanced down at Eden before shrugging. "Fine with me, as long as my parents don't mind."
"Sounds fun. Why not?" my dad agreed with a shrug. Of course, my mom agreed with him. She nearly always did.
Lucas’s POV:
We all sat down, letting the adults sit on the couch while we, the youngsters, sat on the floor.
“Oh, I’ve got a good joke,” I smirked to myself. “What part of biology class do most women dislike?”
Sterling's POV:
Pretty much everyone in the room shot Lucas a weird look before his mom finally ventured to ask, "What part…?"
Lucas’s POV:
My grin widened.
“The sea section,” I answered with a snicker. The room went silent before Eden launched a pillow at me. I caught it in my hands with the same wide grin. “C’mon, you have to admit it. It was good!”
Ashley's POV:
I sighed and swatted at his arm. "Lucas, no… That was so bad… Where did you even come up with that?"
Lucas’s POV:
“C’mon, love, admit it. It made you want to laugh,” I poked her in the side. “I have another one! This one is better.”
“I will punch you if you make crack another joke, Luke,” Eden threatened.
“Come on, E! It’s fun! We can all exchange jokes!”
Ashley's POV:
"It really didn't… But if it makes you happy, you cam tell the next one," I sighed, hoping the adults would finally catch on if he kept telling bad pregnancy jokes.
Lucas’s POV:
“Okay, what’s the oddest stage of pregnancy?”
That question got everyone to groan.
“When people aren’t sure whether to congratulate you, or offer you a gym membership.”
(Oh my gosh…)
Ashley’s POV:
I looked over at Lucas and frowned slightly. “That one was kind of mean, babe. You better not think that when I’m that big,” I added under my breath.
Lucas's POV:
Oh no. I didn't even think about that, darn it.
"Sorry," I whispered back. "I don't mean anything I say in these jokes, I promise. I'm just trying to make them guess."
"Why… are you telling these jokes, Lucas?" My dad finally broke the silence. Even he was a bit peeved at the choice of jokes I was telling. Sure, dad, as if your jokes are any better.
I offered a grin.
"Why do you think?"
Ashley’s POV:
“I would certainly hope not,” I grumbled a little under my breath.
My mom narrowed her eyes slightly at Lucas’s question. McKenzie raised her eyebrows and looked us over a couple of times, both moms looking confused and concerned at the same time.
“Don’t tell me…” my mom breathed, the corners of her mouth twitching up slightly. She was about to smile. I knew she was. Butbwas that because she’s figured it out and was happy for us, or because she thought she figured it out and actually hadn’t?
Lucas's POV:
My dad, who had just taken a sip of the juice he was drinking, set the glass down and looked at Ashley and me. Uncle Leo sat still, the look on his face indicating that he might have figured it out.
"Did you guys figure it out, or do we have to try harder?"
Ashley’s POV:
“Oh my gosh,” McKenzie breathed, burying her face in her hands. I couldn’t tell if she was just that excited, or if she was upset… I hoped it was the former.
My mom, on the other hand, wore her emotions on her sleeve, as usual. She grinned and stood up, making her way over to me to envelop me in a tight, but still careful, hug. “This is amazing. Gosh,” she said with a slight laugh. “Kenzie, aren’t you excited?”
“Mm… Yes, of course,” came he muffled answer. I frowned slightly at her response. Was she really excited, or was there some reason she wasn’t?
Hunter’s POV:
I gave my a look. Seriously? Is that actually happening? Is my son’s girlfriend actually pregnant?
Lucas looked at his mother with worry on his features. I wish I could pat him on the head and tell him she wasn’t upset. We just had… different circumstances.
“What a coincidence,” I muttered under my breath.
McKenzie’s POV:
I sighed and looked over at Hunter, a question swimming in my eyes. Should we tell them? I’d heard what he said under his breath, of course. I was sitting right next to him, after all.
The kids were all looking at me worriedly, like they weren’t sure what I thought about this situation. In all honesty, I wasn’t even sure, myself. I was happy for them, I knew that much, but I was also a little worried… and maybe somewhat disappointed. I had waited until I was married to do anything like that, so I guess I had just thought that, maybe, my kids would wait, too… Had Eden and Sterling gone so far? I almost hoped they hadn’t, but the way he was looking at her didn’t seem like that was right. Both of my kids had done it before they were married… Now I just felt like a prude.
“I am excited, don’t get me wrong,” I eventually said, my voice soft as I looked up at Lucas and Ashley. “I just… It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that you guys could have gone so far before you were married. You know I didn’t do that with you father until we were married, so it’s just… a little hard for me to understand, I guess…”