@Dancing_With_My_Demons business
"mmh k" Carson said continuing his slow rocking
"mmh k" Carson said continuing his slow rocking
Finn’s breathing returns to his ‘normal’ struggling and raspy breaths as he closes his eyes. He keeps his grip on Carson’s shirt, as if to show him just how much he was helping.
"do you need something? Anything?"
Finn shakes his head. “No thank you…” He whispers.
"Ok, thats ok."
Finn eventually looks up, looking at Carson. He then rubs his eyes and yawns.
"You tired?" Carson asked looking down at the little guy.
He nods slightly, still rubbing his eyes. “Yeah…” he mumbles.
"Are you ok if i carry you inside?" He oped the car door with his foot and pushed it open.
He sleepily nods, too tired to protest or even think his decision through.
Carson carefully shuffle/scoots across the car seat to the door, grabbing the stuffed tiger from out of Finn's bag and holding it under his arm. Careful not to disturb Finn.
He stepped out of the car and started walking up the stairs of what can only be described as a white, mostly windows, mini castle.
Carson walked up the steps and in the fount door, he walked along the main hallway until he reached the back of the house, he took a winding staircase up until he reached the forth floor where he went in the third door and laid Finn down on a plush four canopy bed. Pulling up the white blankets over him.
Carson pulled the stuffed tigger from under his arm and snugged it into Finn's chest.
"Good night. If you need anything. Absolutely anything, then just yell for me." He kissed him on the fourhead. "I promise I'll be there."
Finn snuggled into the blankets, hugging the stuffed tiger. “Ok…” he mumbles. Then, he whispers, “Ninight…”
"Night." Carson closed the door most of the way, but let it stay open just a little.
He wandered the halls of his house, the servants carefully choosing not to cross paths with him.
This feeling was wrong. Carson thought. he couldn't care for someone. that only ended up in destruction.
Finally he stoped at his office. He had spent an entire day adopting a kid. he had work that needed to be done.
2 am rolled around, and there was a loud scream, then sobbing coming from Finns room.
Carson stood up from his desk, papers flying. He sprinted to Finn's room, his head pounding. not again not again not again
Finn was sitting up in bed, his knees hugged to his chest and his hand on this throat. He was sobbing heavily and shaking violently, screaming at the top of his lungs.
Carson rushed over and hugged Finn, pulling him onto his lap and rocking slightly. "What's wrong, how can i help, oh man, what's wrong?"
He hides his face in Carsons shoulder, still sobbing and trembling with fear. Or pain…or even both. Come to think of it, there was several instance reports on Finn for having terrible nightmares in his paperwork.
Carson holds Finn's head in his hand, continuing to rock back and forth and not knowing what to do.
It took the boy a whole hour before he calmed down to soft whimpering. He kept a hold on his neck as he hiccups and shakes ever so slightly. “I-I’m sorry…”
"Oh lovie." He gave him a little squeeze. "It's ok. Don't apologize. you did nothing wrong."
“But…I…made too much noise…” He hiccups again. “I get in trouble every time I do that…” He whispers.
"not here you wont." He looked down into Finn's eyes. "I did tell you to yell if you needed anything did I not?"
He wipes his eyes, sniffling. “Yeah…” He mutters, holding onto his tiger. He then nuzzles into the stuffed animal, taking a deep breath.
"Are you ok?" he asked with a slight smile in the corner of his voice. "There might be some ice cream in the freezer if you think that would help?"
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