Sebastian nodded, opening the door.
"You're welcome," he said motioning for Marrior to come with him. Still, everything had the air of a request. He wasn't telling Marrior to come, he was offering this to him. Just like everything else he had done.
"You'll be able to decorate it however you want," he said. "Everyone gets an allowance to buy personal things each week." It was the best he could give them.
Marrior just stared at Sebastian for a moment. "An-" he didn't finish.
This guy was nicer than anybody he had ever met, even the other robots. It was nice. Although, in the back of his mind, there was a little voice that warned him to be careful, in case this guy had an ulterior motive.
Marrior ignored the voice. "Thank you," he finally said.
Sebastian nodded, giving Marrior a kind smile.
"Here, your room is just down the hall," he said, stepping out to lead the way.
"There isn't anything you need to do, so you have some free time. I could even show you around if you want."
"Sure. I'd like that." Marrior smiled shyly. "I'm sorry if I'm acting weird. It's just… no one has ever done something like this for me before."
At the mention of allowance, his mind moved to his sister. Now that he was getting money, maybe he could pay for her hospital bills!
Sebastian put one hand on Marrior's shoulder, a friendly gesture.
"I understand," he said. "It's alright. Just know that here, everyone's going to treat you as a human." He led Marrior out of the room down the hall.
"So, you want to see your room first, or last?"
“As a human? But I’m not one!” Marrior struggled with that thought for a moment, then shrugged.
“I’ll see it last. I saw the door, so I know where it is, at least.” He offered a slight smile.
"You were," Sebastian said to Marrior's first comment. He led Marrior down the hall away from the bedroom. "And that's what counts here."
The first major room they came across was the ballroom. It was impressive, to say the least. High vaulted ceilings, an almost shining floor, elegant reds and golds everywhere.
If Marrior were still in his human body, he would have had watery eyes.
"What- why do you have a room like this?" He asked Sebastian, his mouth falling open a little at the sight of the ballroom.
"Parties," Sebastian explained. "They're the easiest way to establish wealth, and to keep yourself in good footing with others in this society." He shook his head a little. "A bit showing for my taste."
Marrior laughed softly. "It is a bit much, I have to admit."
He rubbed the back of his neck, staring around in wonder for a moment before asking, "Do you actually like parties, or just do it to keep a social standing?"
"It depends on the party," Sebastian admitted. "I enjoy gatherings with close friends, just a few people having fun. It's the balls, the ones only for showing off one's wealth I don't like." Sebastian turned to look at Marrior.
"There are several parties every year that are just for those who love and work here." For the robots. Sebastian smiled softly.
"Fair enough," Marrior said with a small laugh. "Usually, most rich people are stuck up jerks. Call them a pig to their face, and you've started a fight, call them a pig in a pretty twist of words and they laugh for the cleverness of it." He shook his head. "I've never understood people like them."
"Neither do I." Sebastian chuckled a little. "I try to keep the socialization with them to the base minimum." He motioned for Marrior to follow him out of the ballroom, down a hall to the next room. A maid robot was coming down the hall, carrying a large box, and Sebastian stepped to the side to let her through.
"Need some help?" He asked the maid. She shook her head, smiling.
"No thanks, I've got it."
Even though Sebastian had treated him kindly, Marrior still felt like it was strange that other robots were treated the same way. It felt like a dream, and he never wanted to wake up.
"I can see why," he said, laughing slightly.
Sebastian watched the maid go, nodding to Marrior.
"They're too self centered for their own good," he said with a sigh. He led Marrior on through the hall, coming to the dining room. Once again, it was over the top, the table spanning most of the room and large enough to hold almost a hundred people.
"They are," Marrior agreed. "I don't think any of them actually have brains. Just overly large egos that shoved their brains out of the way." He laughed softly.
"Do you actually eat here during meal times?" He asked.
"Lord no," Sebastian said with a chuckle.
"Normally I just eat in the kitchens. The cook, Robert, he's good company. I think you'll like him."
"Okay." Marrior grinned slightly. "Well, I'm not sure if robots can actually eat anything, but I don't know. I've never actually tested that."
Sebastian nodded.
"You should be able to." He sighed a bit. "It's considered another sign of wealth of you can afford to let your robots eat." He shook his head a little.
"Still, I'm glad you'll be able to."
"I-okay, then." Marrior rubbed the back of his neck.
"Is there a table in the kitchen or something?" He asked, after an awkward moment.
Sebastian nodded.
"Here, you want to go there now?" He took a step towards another door leading out of the dining room.
"Uh… sure, I guess," Marrior said. He moved quickly behind his new mas- Sebastian, and kept up with his pace easily.
Sebastian looked back at Marrior, giving him a small smile. He led Marrior to the kitchen. There, there was a non humanoid robot busy cooking.
"Hey dude," Sebastian said, friendly. He stepped over to the robot, grinning.
"What brings you done here at this hour, Sebbie?"
Marrior stared for a moment, then bowed his head. If he still had skin, he'd be blushing.
"I'm showing a new man around the house, brought him here for something to eat. And you know I don't like being called Sebbie…" Sebastian laughed good naturely, though. He knew it wouldn't stop any time soon.
The robot turned to Marrior, revealing a screen that showed his face. He looked nice, a red head with green eyes and freckled covered pale skin.
"It's nice to meet you," he said, "My name's Robert. Here, take a seat, I'll have some food for you in a bit."