In a dystopian future, the poor are no more. Instead, they're minds have been stolen, out into machines so they can become the property of the rich. They perform various jobs; hard labor, house workers, sex slaves. Anything the rich need. If one tries to resist an order, their minds is wiped, leaving them an empty shell of themselves.
You are one of these machines, and you just got a new owner. He seems kind, and still treats you with respect. One day, he asks something of you you could never do. Will you refuse, and pray your owner is kind enough to spare you? Or do it, and lose all of your humanity?
My character is a male, and I would prefer your's to be as well. However, they don't have to be. This can be a romance if you would like it to be.
(I'ma stalk, if that's alright?)
(yep! Do you want a template?)
(okie then! I'll grab one)
Machine Type:
Typical outfit:
(Cool! I will get mine up as soon as I have time.)
Name: Sebastian Merrow
Age: 20
Machine Type: n/a
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: Sebastian is about 6'1" he has dirty blond and brown hair, blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a tiny mustache that he's trying to desperately to grow out.
Typical outfit: Skinny blue jeans, white dress shirt, a dark blue blazer, and black tie. Black dress shoes.
Personality: Hauty, holier than thou exterior. When you really, really get to know him, though, he can be a bit childish and caring. He, unlike most, recognize that the machines used to be humans, and they still have emotions.
Likes: reading, sports, getting what he wants
Dislikes: The dark, scary things, being powerless
Other: n/a
(actualyyyyy a second Sebastian 0w0 this one I had before adopting the other one XD)
Marrior Wase (mAYr-ee-or wAyz)
19, technically
Machine Type:
Bodyguard robot
Biromantically asexual (or something like that XD)
Bot form: An intimidating appearance. At least half a foot taller than humans, he is made of a hard, dark silver metal that is virtually unbreakable. He is humanoid, and the metal on him looks like armor. His "face" is covered with what looks like an ancient war helmet, so only his glowing eyes show. Under his armor, he is actually shorter, and has the look of a real human… well, sort of.
Human form: Before the transfer from human to robot, he was of medium height, with sandy brown hair and light, playful eyes. He was more cute than handsome, and there was something about his face about his eyes and his smile, that made others instantly like him. Under his armor, his bot body looks mostly the same, but with stronger, chiseled features, so he has a more handsome appearance. His eyes, though, couldn't be copied, and have the cold, dead look of a machine.
Typical outfit:
Marrior has severe, crippling depression. If he didn't have a motivation to live, he would have died or attempted to get wiped a long time ago. Once he was kind and sweet, now he's sullen and silent. He has been harmed so many times that he has little self esteem, and is afraid of everyone, although he never shows it. He has a beautiful sense of humor, if you can drag it out if him.
Rests, quiet, his sister. Not being around people. Kind masters. Protecting others. Days off, and the color of the sea. His human body. Surfing.
People, mean jerks, his robot body. Getting hurt. Having no nerves. Fighting. Being yelled at, and being alive.
He was threatened with his younger sister's life. If he didn't comply, and let his mind be stuck into a robot's, she would be left untreated, and would die from leaving the disease within her untreated.
Must protect
So, ready to start? Your choice who goes first
You can! Just so I can see how you want the scene set.
Sebastian looked up when the door bell rang. Seemed his new bodyguard was here. Of course, he would probably end up using it as an all purpose robot. He could, after all. He stood, waiting for the maid to bring the giant box up to the living room. Introductions were needed. When the box arrived, he waited patiently as it was opened, and soon he and the new machine were left alone.
"Hello," Sebastian said. "What is your name?" Not a very common question, to be sure, but Sebastian wanted to know what the robot was most comfortable being called.
Marrior was not excited for a new master. His last one had given him up, after emotional beatings, and he wasn't ready for another so soon. Not that he had a choice. He could do this, and save his sister, or get wiped, and have her die. He had to try and be a man.
When his new master talked to him this way, though… it made him surprised. No one, no one, talked to machines that way. "Um… you can call me whatever," he said, keeping the quaver from his voice.
"Are you sure?" Sebastian asked. He stepped forward towards Marrior, a friendly look on his face. "You must have had a name before." Still, if the machine did not want to give it Sebastian would not push.