@The-Magician group
Heya its good to see you again!! Not gonna lie I thought this one had been forgotten about since you left, but I'm all for picking it back up
Heya its good to see you again!! Not gonna lie I thought this one had been forgotten about since you left, but I'm all for picking it back up
YESSS!!!! Has a mini celebration
I was really hoping you'd be open to continuing this!!!
:) :3
Alrighty!! So we are continuing from where we left off… Soren and Arthur have escaped the school they were at but now they are being hunted by the government. I'm thinking their goal should be to get to the border or something so that they can't be harmed by the government that is after them??
That sounds good to me! I also think we can take their relationship a bit further too possibly… especially since I'm now way more familiar with what actually happened to Arthur, (Some of how I write him may have changed since last time,)
Alright sounds great! Okay, do you want to start or should I?
Could you? I seem pretty bad at starting lately…)
(I'd be more than happy to, I'll post it as soon as I can!)
(is waiting excitedly and semi-patiently)
They had flown for as long as their energy had allowed them to, and now that daybreak was approaching it was time to rest. Somehow they had lost the men after them, and had come to be in a small part of town where normal human crime rates were high.
Soren slumped down against a mossy brick wall of a back alley, barely being able to sit up properly. His wings ached, his core ached from excessive power usage, and all he wanted to do was sleep. But he needed to make sure Arthur was okay first.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.
"Tired, scared, sore." answered Arthur quietly, "You?" he looked over at the other, knowing it was a long flight for someone so inexperienced, his own wings and core aching from the long flight as he slumped against the alley wall opposite the other. He sighed, "We'll have to keep going early tomorrow… though we can probably take the ground route rather than flying."
(Waits patiently)
(Hums softly to self)
"Yeah I'm fine." Soren lied with the brightest smile he could muster. He didn't want Arthur worrying about him, not right now. He stared at the black that threatened to consume his entire hand; it looked like an explosion of ink crawling from his fingertips upwards. His shadow looked at him from across the way, both proud and saddened by what Soren had become.
It was only a matter of time, I never thought it would be so soon…
So many things circled around in Soren's mind, a lot of it was regarding the past couple of days and all the fighting they'd had to do, but none of it was what he wanted to be thinking about. "You should get some sleep, I'll keep watch."
(It's fine!!)
Arthur shook his head. "Not after that." he said softly. "I'll keep watch okay?" he sighed, getting up and pacing, not bothering to hide his wings as he peeked out of the alleyway. "It should be safe here, at least for the night. But just in case I'll try and cast an illusion so no one sees us. He summoned a whisp of chaos, twisting it then casting it over his wings, making them disappear, though they were still there.
"Please." Soren sighed, his eyes betraying no emotion. "I would feel better knowing that you were well rested."
While Soren himself wanted nothing more than to sleep and replenish his energy, he wanted to be nice to Arthur for as long as he was able to. Part of being now a full demon meant that kindness was going to become a stranger to him eventually. It just wasn't in their blood to be nice. He wanted to keep that part of him that was human, even if it was lost forever… He wouldn't let his species define who he was as a person, but it wouldn't be that easy considering the situation they were in.
Arthur shook his head, moving to the other to cast the same spell, making him look human to everyone but him. "Don't worry about it" he said softly. "I already know I won't sleep, not after everything that's happened today." He sighed, slumping against the wall next to him. "I already know I'll get nightmares the instant I fall asleep, and then I'll be worse off than if I hadn't slept." He sighed again, practicing manipulating a whisp of chaos around his fingers. "I'll be fine. You sleep."
(Our poor babies..)
(whistles softly)
(Hey, sorry, I've been at college today. I will respond as soon as I can. Might be in about an hour?)
(it's fine!! Just bumping this every once in awhile, though I am eager for a reply!)
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