Full name: Adrielle Danvers
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Adrielle is calm, cool, and shy on the outside. She is bitter, too, and has a dirty sense of humor. She loves to make people shut up by silently looking at them with her wide eyes, and it freaks people out. She has no friends, and would betray someone at the blinking of an eye, with no regrets. She's smart, though, and clever, and very manipulative and cunning.
Appearance: Adrielle looks like a doll. She has delicate features and big, bright, icy blue eyes, and long, waist length blonde hair. She is short, about 5'2", and has very pale, almost white skin. She is very pretty, and looks innocent and naive, but her eyes seem to stare into your soul. She is slender and curvy, and her smile can be outright terrifying. (http://s8.favim.com/orig/150826/bitch-black-and-white-blonde-blonde-hair-Favim.com-3188139.jpg)
(https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/847521223602129367/?d=t&mt=login&nic=1), a weird half-human, she likes to call it a siren, because it makes her seem irrisistable
Distinguishing Marks: Nothing, except her eyes and her 'innocent' face
Usual Outfit: She usually wears hoodies and leggings, and sneakers, so she can get a quick getaway if need be.
Backstory: From a young age, Adrielle loved fire. Like, loved. She would always have matches or a lighter with her, and she would burn anything flammable. Paper, sticks, grass, her father's bills, clothes, hair. Soon, she was called "The Fire Witch" in her neighborhood. Her parents had no idea what to do with her, and never really payed attention to her. Then, Adrielle burned down a house. Then another, and another. She kept burning things, and started stealing things from the houses she burned, from Kleenex boxes to diamond earrings. She was only caught when her younger, spoiled brother ratted on her, six months later. She ran, and has lived around since. She was in the city when the mutants escaped, and in running away fromone of them, got scratched and became one of them, though she tries to hide it.
Weapon: A whip , usually, or a chain with a spike at the end (https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/385480049337308391/?nic=1)