forum Looking for a O/O
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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"Um, well… I was living on the streets, there was a ton of crime happening, and no one was doing anything about it. So, naturally, I decided to take the role no one wanted."


"Ran away from home when I was twelve, never went back." Cas shrugged. "It's not easy, especially not winters, but it's a hell of a lot better than living with my dad."


"Ah. He really bad?" He glanced around, looking guilty. "I mean, my dad's only here like 5% of the time so I really don't know him anymore."


Cas nodded. "I'd rather my dad wasn't around, honestly… rarely saw the man sober, and he's responsible for far too many scars."


"Mhmm. I knew from a pretty early age I wanted out, but I didn't have the guts until I was twelve." Cas sighed, fidgeting with his hands.


(omg sorry sorry sorry exams happened)
"I guess. Just I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you." Ashley said, gesturing vaguely with his hands.


Cas nodded. "Nothing's really coming to mind… um… again, if you've got any questions, that's fine."
(Me, sick and braindead lol)


Ashley froze. "Nothings really coming to my mind either. Should we go get this checked?" He slid the glass ball out of his pocket and held it out in his palm.


Ashley stood and grabbed keys from the table. "This man a few blocks away. He specialises in magical items. People think he's insane but he's just a little weird. He taught me how to decurse objects."


Cas noticed this, but didn't mention it. He never really bothered covering his ears or hiding his tail, at least not intentionally. A downside of that was that it tended to get him recognized.